What can i do to help them calm down?(Mallard duck pair.)

rooster brandon.

9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
Kodak, by knoxville


So what do you all think i could do to help them calm down there just a little nervous and you know you go to one side of there enclosure and they go to the other side,how could i help them feel at home?
Not much you can do, they will just have to calm down over time. might be best to just leave them alone and go inside. sooner or later they will get the idea that you are there food provider and will calm down and come to you when its feeding time.
They will learn to trust you (but will probably still be wary), if you never grab at them or chase them, always bend down and walk slowly around them, talk to them a lot, and bribe them with thawed out frozen peas. I can't explain enough how much ducks love them and can be trained using them (within limits - you won't get them to do riverdance, but you can get them to go into the duck house when you want them to, and maybe eat from your hand!)

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