What can I do to make my chickens quiet?

One of my chickens is really loud, she makes a loud squawking noise for no reason. I lock my chickens away on the night and now it's light mornings they were making a racket to get out at half 5 I found putting a blanket over the front of the coop where the window is have me extra time in bed and also kept them quiet so they didn't wake the neighbours they usual start calling me at about 7 which is when I'm leaving for work. I make sure they have corn to scratch at to keep them entertained and quieter. Except her been broody nothing will quieten my noisy hen Elsie :(
hmmm. maybe i should get back to the habit of locking thenm in at night; just nights are going in to the 'hamsin' phase which means desert hot. as it is, the local prof. coops are smelly which means that they are turning onthe sprinklers to cool down the coops so if i close mine, and block off the door/window, they will suffocate. but the growling squalling is reallly annoying, also to me.
maybe i could make a sort of curtain, that is breatheable but keep the light mostly out. will that help? i mean, dont they hear the other wake up noises from other animals? someone here has a horse in the valley and every single morning at 6 he whinnies , i guess when his owner shows up to feed him on the way to work. then the guy's czech wolf dog starts to bark, since she guards the horse. then friend's aviary. so the chickens wiould hear all the wake up noises and start grumbling nayhow....
hmmm have to think about blackout curtains for their house w/o blocking otu ventilation and air.... too bad i couldnt make a quick release for the coop door and string it up to my apartment so i could just lean out the bakc window and open the door? will have to think about that one (without bugging my downstairs neighborn).... anyone with techy ideas?
The other birds done seem to wake the chickens up if its still dark on the coop. The weathers not that nice in England so the coop doesn't get too hot for them. You could also try making cover for over the vents. Have a piece of wood goin out and over the vent then down which stops the light goins directly in but the air can still ventilate thro? I left my coop open for afew nights but they were out at half 4 calling me for food so not a good idea :(
feather13: We actually just put the radio inside the coop on a pretty low volume. They make noise during the day sometimes but in the early morning it usually keeps them quiet.
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feather13: We actually just put the radio inside the coop on a pretty low volume. They make noise during the day sometimes but in the early morning it usually keeps them quiet.
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I have the same morning noise problem in a very urban community. The radio suggestion is very interesting. How does the radio help? We are new to chickens and are still learning.
I think because it keeps them from being so bored. They like music just like we do :)

We had a radio on a timer to just play in the morning and that seemed to keep them pretty quiet. Its broken now but they haven't been too noisy so we haven't needed to get another one.
we happen to have a juvenile hen with about 3 hatched chicks,and she is loud as a goat. she won't stop once i come near her and she runs up to me bellowing her cluck. ever since we had to put her in that pen to be sure she and her chicks are(we let her out oncein a while) safe. i don't think we have a radio neither,but everywhere she goes i can still hear her from our porch.

i dont think there's much of a solution to it except for the radio,really. i would honestlytry a fake hawk statue but that would scare them out of their wits lol.
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Hi! I know your post was a while ago now, but I was wondering if you could please explain how the radio in the chicken coop keeps them quiet (what do I need to do - when should it be turned on)? We are in quite a new area, where there are no trees yet, so all the bird noise in the mornings comes from my chicken that thinks she is a rooster! Any help appreciated! Thanks :)
Hi! I know your post was a while ago now, but I was wondering if you could please explain how the radio in the chicken coop keeps them quiet (what do I need to do - when should it be turned on)? We are in quite a new area, where there are no trees yet, so all the bird noise in the mornings comes from my chicken that thinks she is a rooster! Any help appreciated! Thanks :)
Hi! I'm sorry, I just saw this! We attached it to the ceiling of our coop and ran a wire to a timer for power. Our coop is attached to our garage which has electricity so we just put the timer right inside the garage. Hope this helped!

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