What can I do to make my chickens quiet?

Hi all, I know this is an old post but thought I'd give my 2 cents :) I've noticed that ours are substantially quieter when entertained. Each night when I shut the coop I try to put something entertaining for them to do until I let them out the next morning. Sometimes I dig over a patch of earth, put a new pot plant in, hang a cabbage, bury a few mealworms in a tray of sawdust. When they wake up its like Christmas and they aren't pacing and crowing waiting for me. Can't do this every night but it definitely helps :) we live in the tropics so its hot all year round. Another thing they love is the hose running on a trickle, I might try putting it on a timer in the early morning to keep them busy!
My chickens are loud when I let them out of the coop. This is how I keep them quiet. I fill all feeders, throw scratch around the yard, and my chickens are picky. They have to have morning treats: grapes, strawberries, blueberries, rice, bread, chayote leaves, any of those listed to keep them quiet. It works for me. They really love to eat chayote leaves , it's a type of squash that grows on my fence. As long as they have a variety of food choices scattered around the yard it keeps them busy and quiet. Hope this helps.
I think I've spoiled my chickens! They wake up with the first light of the sun and want out of the henhouse, which wasn't a problem until the days got longer. My evil genius son rigged up a motor and pulley to a computer and now the trap door opens and closes automatically before dawn and after sundown. But instead of yelling inside the coop, the chickens now stand in their run and yell for food. What's next? Probably yelling to get OUT of the run and into the yard.

I've been removing the feed hopper from the run at night and placing it in an ash can to keep the vermin (neighborhood rats, squirrels, blue jays) from helping themselves. It sounds like I need to make sure there are treats and feed in the run so they can help themselves in the morning. Does anyone have experience with unwanted critters helping themselves to the chicken feed and treats?

Also, the girls are always hungry even though they have unlimited pellets available. What can I plant in my yard that they will eat but not decimate? I have planting beds with mulch but no grass, could it be they do not get enough to eat when they are scratching in the yard?
My problem is one particular Silkie hen that has recently started walking around the run squawking for no reason. We have an automatic coop door too, an a "secure pen outside of that. That opens up into a bigger pend that they must be released into manually. They wait at the door of the secure pen for me to release them to the food area. We have had problems with rats so I don't want to leave feed in the pen at night. It's not a problem in the winter because it is later in the morning, but right now it is at 6:00-6:30 AM and I know my neighbors don't appreciate it. It is to the point that I m considering rehoming her, but with my luck another would just take her place with the noise. Has anyone ever tried a rooster collar with a hen?
".. It's not a problem in the winter because it is later in the morning, but right now it is at 6:00-6:30 AM and I know my neighbors don't appreciate it. It is to the point that I m considering rehoming her, but with my luck another would just take her place with the noise. Has anyone ever tried a rooster collar with a hen?"
:(I was wonderingng the same thing. We might have to re-home as well if we can't figure something out soon. Our landlord has now complained 2x and I fear the end for ALL the chickens will be next.
HAS anyone tried a rooster collar? Any help is appreciated. We work during the day and leave early morning...so can't be here all the time toanage with treats etc. They already get a nice bunch of scraps upon waking, in the run. I'm just not sure food is the answer.:bow
Sorry it took me so long to post this! We put a radio in our coop on a timer and its been working great! They make noise in the afternoon sometimes, but they are usually very quiet in the mornings. I just wanted to let you guys know :)
do you play the chicken dance? :) Seriously, do you play music?
feather13: We actually just put the radio inside the coop on a pretty low volume. They make noise during the day sometimes but in the early morning it usually keeps them quiet.
Yea..it's true , I've tried it, I just play a recording of their noise or any music, they just keep quite and listen
wow really a radio helped to keep them quite. I am facing same thing. my daughter is upset because she thinks the neighborn will complain where do you get a radio on a timer
Sorry it took me so long to post this! We put a radio in our coop on a timer and its been working great! They make noise in the afternoon sometimes, but they are usually very quiet in the mornings. I just wanted to let you guys know :)
I'm totally confused. What did the radio do to help?

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