What Can I Do With Eggs I Don't Want?

I also donate excess eggs to the food bank. I bake a lot of cookies and quick breads. Lots of egg salad and deviled eggs. Sometimes with bacon and cheese instead of traditional.

Back in my young and poor days I had to make sure we ate every bit of leftovers to make ends meet. One of my favorite ways to remix is what I call "barf." Either leftover meat or your breakfast meat of choice. Fry that up, toss in leftover rice or potatoes. Scramble eggs into it and add cheese. Makes a killer breakfast burrito with chorizo or leftover dirty rice.
I also donate excess eggs to the food bank. I bake a lot of cookies and quick breads. Lots of egg salad and deviled eggs. Sometimes with bacon and cheese instead of traditional.

Back in my young and poor days I had to make sure we ate every bit of leftovers to make ends meet. One of my favorite ways to remix is what I call "barf." Either leftover meat or your breakfast meat of choice. Fry that up, toss in leftover rice or potatoes. Scramble eggs into it and add cheese. Makes a killer breakfast burrito with chorizo or leftover dirty rice.
Yes, any leftover rice and potatoes, fry those in a pan with some eggs and you're in for a treat!
If your eggs are laid in clean nest boxes there's no reason you can't sell them. You can store them at room temperature and then wipe them off if necessary when someone wants to buy a dozen. If you don't wipe or wash them before they can last several weeks safely at room temp.
Even if the house is cleaned perfectly, ducks still poop every 15m and get it everywhere, I don't know how other people might react...
I have 3 dogs, so my dogs help with excess eggs. I also give them away when I'm drowning in excess eggs, but for the most part I bake and cook with them. I will make breakfast sandwiches and freeze them. I will also freeze scrambled or raw (out of the shell) eggs for winter when egg laying decreases dramatically. I had half of a chest freezer full of frozen egg last winter and it was great for feeding my dogs and such.

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