what can I feed my duckling??

Should you get the niacin in pill form and crush it up? Also, what strength? And third, where do you get Brewers Yeast? I looked at 2 different grocery stores and found nothing.
My feed store sells it there you may call around at some of your local feed shops
It's been discussed several times on here. AW is when feathers stick out from their normal positions in waterfowl.
What I meant by my post was that they don't need supplements or extra doses. It can actually be harmful than good.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) can be found in just about everything they eat (what I feed my ducklings and adults).: Leaf vegetables, broccoli, carrots, sweet potato, asparagus, whole grain products, pasta, rice, cereals, mushrooms, eggs, tomato's, and fish, yep, fish!, as well as your duck pellets...just to name a few.
Feeding your ducks, especially ducklings a balanced diet in these foods will be enough niacin to keep them happy and healthy. But if your one of these people who don't feed the above, by all means, go for it, give them the brewers yeast. They will be missing out on other important vitamins and minerals.

I'm no expert, but I do believe a well balanced diet to be beneficial in any living thing, including ducks
I agree that a well balanced diet is essential, especially for growing ducklings. But, most of the niacin that is found in plants is not available to ducklings. So, while B3 is available to people via these things, ducklings are not getting the same nutrients that we are.

I believe that, especially for most people new to ducks, feeding a commercial feed is best. It is very difficult to ensure that growing ducklings and even ducks are getting all of the nutrients that they need by feeding a homemade diet without a lot of research and specialty supplements.

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