What can I give my chicks as a treat?


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
I haven't given them grit yet but my daughter dropped in a clover flower and they went nuts over it. I figured we better check and see what was a safe treat before we gave them anything else. Perhaps I should go ahead and give them some grit?
Sure they can have greens at that age. :) Mine are outside every day and have grass/flowers/whatever. Definitely get some chick grit and give it to then though, some people offer it free choice but I sprinkle it in their feed (my chick feed actually requires grit, but most don't). Some people also just get a clump of dirt and put it in the brooder so they will eat the dirt/rocks from that, so that's an option, too. :)
Yeah they are never too young for grit, mama hens have their chicks scratching and pecking at the ground within 2 days. Also I learned (on byc) that the store bought grit really IS better, it is made up of ground granite so it is much more effective than the sand/tiny stones that are likely to be found in the yard.
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Ok, I gave them dirt from the yard but plan to pick up grit next time I'm in town.
The Marina brand of grit recommends to give grit to them when they are two weeks and over. Though, as Sonya9 said, mama hens have had their chicks scratching and eating since they were a few days old.

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