What can we do with our flock? Brainstorm!

This is amazing, thank you!!! Are there any breeds in particular that you think might be fun to cross with our RIR roo? We're looking to add 5 more hens and would love variety.
I don't really have specific suggestions, but here are some things you could consider:

If you like sexlink chicks, you can use almost any hen that has a pattern of black and white in her feathers (exception: mottled hens, that have white tips on black feathers, will not work). Some of them would be sexable at hatch, and some would be color-sexable after they grow some feathers.

If you use a hen with feathered feet, or extra toes, or a crest on her head, or muff/beard on her face, or a different kind of comb: each of those traits is likely to show up in their chicks.

If you use a hen that lays blue or green eggs, her daughters are likely to lay green eggs as well.

A Silkie hen will produce normal-feathered offspring with your rooster, but a Frizzle hen will produce some chicks with frizzled feathers and some with normal feathers.

If you get a blue-laced or a splash-laced chicken, you will get chicks with blue markings on them.
She had a post a few minutes ago about introducing herself I believe, and she told us that her RIR rooster was mixed with (I forgot, I think a white Delaware?)

RIR (Rhode Island Red) rooster crossed to:

Delaware hen will give Sexlink chicks (males are silver with white barring, females are gold/red with no white barring. Males may have red leakage in their feathers when they grow up.)

Black Cochin hen will give black chicks (may have red leakage when they grow up: look at pictures of Black Sexlink females for an example of the color a female is likely to have). Her chicks will probably have feathered feet, too.

Sapphire Gem hen will give black chicks and blue chicks in about equal numbers. Depending on what cross created the Sapphire Gem, you might get 50% red chicks or you might get no red chicks.

Lavender Ameraucana will give black chicks (they will carry the gene for lavender, but not show it.) Daughters should lay green eggs when they grow up, and all chicks should have muff/beard.

Barred Rock will give Sexlink chicks (females black, males black with white barring and they have a yellow spot on their head at hatch. When they grow up, both genders may have red leakage in their feathers-- look for pictures of Black Sexlinks, because this is the cross that produces them.)
Thank you so so much!!!

Since you're so knowledgeable, I can't help but ask... Do you have any recommendations for hen breeds to cross with our RIR roo? We have two RIR hens so we'll breed them, but we would love some other cool crosses.

You know, to keep things nice and complicated! 🤣🤪

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