What can't they eat???!?!?!?

Hey, I know this is an old thread that appears to have been revived but I thought it would be fun to go through and check out my gals thoughts on the suggestions everyone has made …..
X =

√ = yummo!
N/A for those they have not tried, because I have not fed them to the gals, either because I have not had the opportunity to try or because I know they are bad for them. I do not feed them onion or raw potato peel.

Grapes X

Raisins X

Cooked Chicken √

Cabbage √

Pasta √

Onions N/A

Cat Food N/A

Carrots X

Blueberries X

Strawberries X

Tomatoes √

Avocado N/A

Oranges N/A

Cauliflower N/A

Cheese √ (only as a special treat)

Dog food N/A

Peanuts or peanut butter N/A

Watermelon √

Mealworms √√√√√√√

Corn on cob X

Whole kernel in can √

Lettuce and Kale √

Scrambled eggs √

Kittens N/A (lol)

Pizza N/A

Bread √ (very rare and only in very small amounts)

Rice X (yep, they will not eat rice, brown or white!)

Cooked oatmeal √

Barley, Lentils and split peas N/A

Yoghurt √

Crushed egg shell √
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Thanks for letting me know this. I have old milk and sometimes old yogurt and was wondering. "Leftovers" Only feed your chickens that which is still considered edible by humans, don't feed anything spoiled, moldy, oily, salty or unidentifiable.
My aviary vet told me that dairy is not good for chickens. I told him that everyone gives their chickens yogurt and they love it; but he insisted no dairy. See:

I use the general rule of thumb that chickens should only eat what they would normally find roaming around if they were free. That would include all raw fruits & veggies, including their seeds, and nuts.

My gals LOVE watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes, peas and cauliflower. The like honeydew and bananas and apples but not cantaloupe or pineapple. I have given them some lobster and shrimp scraps(and they go bonkers) b/c I consider them no different than eating a lizard which they often find in the yard.

If you do give them egg shells, they should be microwaved, cooked in the oven / stovetop to remove any salmonella from the raw egg that is left on the inner shell. The shells are good for them as they are a good source of calcium which is needed as they deplete theirs making eggs.
PS: This would be a great post for the "Frequently Asked Questions" section on the homepage (currently no threads).
Hi,Question,have any of you guys raise Broilers up to 12 Weeks.

So I have "heard" that you can, and I want to know if its true and what's the outcome.
yes grapes and raisins are dangerous for dogs..My neighbor just lost her yorkie because he ate a bunch of grapes...Don't feed dogs grapes or raisins, or chocolate ...

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