What caused this and what should this newbie do about it? (pic included)

Missa Chickabee

7 Years
May 27, 2012
Northern Minnesota

And for perspective here is a full body shot:


Thank-you for your guidance all!
look like broken blood feathers

nothing to worry about

my marans has same issue

a quick clean in antiseptic and all is well it will heal

if it starts to blow up like a baloon then it possible its infected then pluck the feather and allow puss to come out and treat with antiseptic in same manner as you would bumble foot
I soaked and washed it and put neosporin cream on it. He took it quite well. I was surprised. Seemed to like the warm water. So...how would you treat Bumblefoot if this persists?
I was also worrying about leg mites. Do his scales look normal? (I have had nothing to compare this to)

New pic:


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