What chicken breed to start with?


7 Years
Nov 16, 2012
Jacksonville nc
I've been reading up a bit and just bought a book. I've wanted chickens for some time now. We have spiders pretty bad in our yard and I thought that would be another plus to having chickens. I live in Jacksonville NC. I recently fell in love with silkies! I had my dog at the vet and a lady there had a grey silkie. She told me about byc. Then I took my kids to the Lynwood zoo. They got to feed a white silkie and I was told they are great for kids! My concerns are the eggs. I want a well tempered bug eater and egg layer. If a silkie is not all of this can I pare them in the same coop with a breed that has all those qualities? I've read different things. I'm looking to have 3-4 hens. Just trying to get my plan together any
Recommendations can help. Thanks
Greetings from Kansas, Steffani83, and
! Happy you joined our community! You will likely get as many different answers to what breed to start with as there are breeds available - everyone has their favorite. Living in Florida as you do, I would suggest a small and lighter (both in weight and in color) breed to handle what I assume is a hot and humid climate. Chickens are tough and adaptable, though, so almost any breed will do well. And most are pretty good foragers that should go to town on your spider population. You might go over to the Breeds thread and check out some opinions there. I wish you success!
Hello and welcome to BYC
x2 on Redsoxs advice. The Breeds and Reviews sections are great for helping you choosing breeds.
Thank you redsoxs. I actually live in Jacksonville north Carolina. Common mistake. I can be 30 min away from here and people still think of FL. But it is defiantly still humid in the summer. And it does get cold enough to snow in winter months. I guess my biggest fear is getting some chickens of 2 different breeds and they hate eachother. In that case I could probably build a second coop at work. I also wanted to know what are my choices of where to buy them. In the spring there is a place called pumpkin center that sells chicks. Other than that I don't know. How can I find breeders in my area?
Welcome to BYC!!!

Well the good news is that - for the most part - chickens could not care LESS about breeds. So a flock of many different breeds will probably do just fine. There are a couple of breeds who have a reputation for ending up at the bottom of the pecking order due to some of their physical characteristics - like Polish (the big poof hinders their vision) or Faveroilies - not sure if I spelled that right..... but they tend to be super docile and get pushed around.
But you'd be pretty safe with just about any mix of breeds.
My personal favorite (right now) is the Speckled Sussex. Very pretty markings. Good 'middle of the road' birds as far as tolerating heat or cold. Good egg layers - so far - mine were the first to start laying and have been very consistent. VERY sweet and curious. The love to be petted and will jump up to sit in the chair with me and pick at my jacket.

You might want to decide first if you want large fowl or bantams. Then start looking for breeds to suit your needs.
from California, try posting here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/26/where-am-i-where-are-you to find a local breeder, also try Craigslist, also ask your local feed store if they know of local breeders. My local feed store actually buys chicks from people so you may be able to find what your looking for there. My chickens get along great with my Silkies so it shouldn't be a problem having them together. My friendliest chicken is my Easter Egger hen, she lays nice big eggs too. Good luck :)
Welcome to BYC!!!

Well the good news is that - for the most part - chickens could not care LESS about breeds. So a flock of many different breeds will probably do just fine. There are a couple of breeds who have a reputation for ending up at the bottom of the pecking order due to some of their physical characteristics - like Polish (the big poof hinders their vision) or Faveroilies - not sure if I spelled that right..... but they tend to be super docile and get pushed around.
But you'd be pretty safe with just about any mix of breeds.
My personal favorite (right now) is the Speckled Sussex. Very pretty markings. Good 'middle of the road' birds as far as tolerating heat or cold. Good egg layers - so far - mine were the first to start laying and have been very consistent. VERY sweet and curious. The love to be petted and will jump up to sit in the chair with me and pick at my jacket.

You might want to decide first if you want large fowl or bantams. Then start looking for breeds to suit your needs.

I totally agree with canesisters. I have 18 chickens comprising 11 breeds right now. I got them in two different batches of the same age - as long as they are raised together or introduced properly, they will get along just fine. Personally, I love the variety!!
Silkies are a small breed of chicken that also has a crest and doesn't see great. They are crappy layers and bug eaters, but WONDERFUL pets. They are also not sexable until older, so if you need only hens they are not a great choice.

If you want to mix silkies with other chickens, go with more docile bantams, and try to avoid silkies with HUGE crests or vaulted sculls ( this can make being on the bottom of the pecking order lethal).

That being said, silkies are awesome chickens and kid and neighbor friendly. Just make sure they are safe from predators as they are easy prey.
They aren't even good bug eaters!? Darn. I thought they'd be good for something other than being adorable. I still must have them. Cuteness has a purpose. I'm very excited. I'm sure I'll be able to find nice friends for them. I can't wait to post pictures in the spring, it gives me time too to make my choices. Thanks everyone for the welcome and info. :D

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