What chicken lays the largest brown eggs?

I have black copper marans, barred rocks and wyandottes. They are still pullets (10 months old). But my bcms always lay x-large eggs sometimes they even lay xx-large. I have a vintage egg scale, the arrow always goes straight to the top. They lay dark brown eggs.
My Delawares lay a very large egg, probably an XL.

Older hens lay larger eggs - the egg size gets larger as they age - but the quality of the shell deteriorates with time, as they use the same amount of calcium regardless of the egg size. I had some Isa Browns that after a year were laying huge eggs, but the shells were thin and of poor quality.

My BCM only lay a medium egg.
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That stinks. I have 2 bcm hens(pullets) and they are always huge. They are the French standard bcm. Maybe it depends on the genetics, but the breed usually lay large-xlarge eggs.(atleast that's what I read):/
I, too, will go with the red sexlink.

But why do you want extra large eggs? The bigger eggs they lay the more problems you have. Also, hour feed has something to do with the egg size.
I have a Buff Orpington that just started laying and this is like her third egg...it's pretty big to be only the third. The other 2 were smaller...

Anyway here is a pic, Also a pic of the eggs I get from my leghorn, or leghorn mix...I'm not sure which she is..the dark egg is the orp, the light egg is the leghorn (?)

I'm pretty excited about the size of those 2 hens eggs...so excuse all the pics.
Thanks everyone!
We have some hens, 2 rir's, 2 amercauna's, 3 black austrolps, and one that we think is a california white. The california white is a small hen but she lays a pretty good size egg, the rir's lay a medium size egg, and the others lay medium eggs.
Today my husband went to get milk from a farm down the road, and the guy who sells the milk is now selling eggs, so my husband looked at them and said they were huge, so we were wondering what kind of chicken laid such big eggs!!!

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