What Class/Section?


10 Years
Apr 25, 2014
I am entering a bunch of birds at a local poultry show at a fair and can't figure out if I can show my French Black Copper Marans Hen or not? There is no class specifically for them but there are non breed specific classes. I just can't figure out which one she would be entered in.


I know it would be in the standard breed section instead of the bantam breed but would she be a light, a heavy, a mixed class light or heavy?
Thanks that is what I did. She is getting a bath tonight and going to the fair tomorrow night! I am SOOOO excited.
You're welcome. Yes, shows are very exciting! I've been showing chickens for 4 years, and still get really excited right before a show. Good luck!
What kind of soap do you use to bathe your chickens?
I use a whitening shampoo that is made for dogs; I forget the exact brand. In the past, I've used a mild baby shampoo. The most important thing when washing chickens is to stay away from harsh soaps, such as Dawn.
I use a whitening shampoo that is made for dogs; I forget the exact brand. In the past, I've used a mild baby shampoo. The most important thing when washing chickens is to stay away from harsh soaps, such as Dawn.

Wow good thing I asked. I was actually going to use Dawn.

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