What color are these 5 six week old chicks?


10 Years
May 4, 2012
Keller, VA
#1. Bantam Cochin 2 pics of same chick:

#2. Old English Game Bantam

#3 This white colored chick, another OEGB, has lt gold lacing maybe around some of its feathers but the feathers on its head are coming in gold. The tiny feather patches on its ears are already gold:

The final two, #'s 4 and #5, are Old English Game Bantams.
The left one is more of a brown on its back and the right one, more of a reddish brown.
#4 On the left and #5 on the right:

Thanks a million for any help you can give. I really appreciate it!!!
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#1. Bantam Cochin 2 pics of same chick:
Silver-Laced Cochin

#2. Old English Game Bantam
Either Wheaten or Black Breasted Red Old English Game

#3 This white colored chick, another OEGB, has lt gold lacing maybe around some of its feathers but the feathers on its head are coming in gold. The tiny feather patches on its ears are already gold:
Might be white (some birds just have patches of different color feathers, so even if yours has some yellow it may actually be white), or possibly Red Pyle.

The final two, #'s 4 and #5, are Old English Game Bantams.

The left one is more of a brown on its back and the right one, more of a reddish brown.
#4 On the left and #5 on the right:
I'd say Black Breasted Red for both of them, but I'm not an Old English Game expert.

Thanks a million for any help you can give. I really appreciate it!!!
#1. Bantam Cochin 2 pics of same chick:
Silver-Laced Cochin

#2. Old English Game Bantam
Probably a Black Breasted Red or wheaten Old English Game Bantam; won't know for sure until its older. Cockerel.

Same as above.

#3 This white colored chick, another OEGB, has lt gold lacing maybe around some of its feathers but the feathers on its head are coming in gold. The tiny feather patches on its ears are already gold:
Either a poor-quality white or a Red Pyle Old English Game Bantam.

The final two, #'s 4 and #5, are Old English Game Bantams.

The left one is more of a brown on its back and the right one, more of a reddish brown.
#4 On the left and #5 on the right:
Probably both Black Breasted Red OEGBs that are just different shades of color, but is a bit young to tell for sure.
Thanks a million for any help you can give. I really appreciate it!!!
For #3, the white one, it isn't just poor white. The feathers that are beginning to come in on its head are gold. You can just now see the ends of the new ones where the down is being replaced by feathers. It started out all white but is changing. I don't keep OEGB and don't plan to. I asked the feed store owner to order me around 25 mixed bantam chicks. He bought QUITE a few more...I ended up taking 40+. There were a few left over which were OEGB. My 26yo daughter came in for our family reunion in Aug. and she helped me pick. Of course we sat in the floor and the lady that works knows I always need a box. This time it was a very big one!! LOL!!! I handed my daughter chicks I was interested in and she sorted them into groups by color and type. I took all of the feather-footed ones they had and added some others as well!!!!
I wasn't quite sure for some of the breeds, so took most of the others, too. I found after I had the time to look at them better and then grew some, that I got most of the breed guesses right. I figured I could pick out the ones I wanted to keep and sell the others at the Farm Swap this weekend. So after Saturday I hope all will be gone except maybe 10 and maybe I will make enough money to pay for the food that I fed them and for the cost for the ones I keep.
In #4 and #5 the two chicks are close in pattern except #5 is more reddish brown/chocolate based whereas the #4 has more of a drab with silvery base. Yes they could be the same but I don't think so.
I just made some more pics of #2 and #3. I don't think you can tell much more for #2. But here they are:

#2 Note the white on the feathers and they have been increasing in #. It also has pink legs and feet.

#3 In the first pic below, you can see more of the gold or dark coming in on the new feathers.

This is the comb of #3
It it out of focus and I don't think I can get a better close-up pic with my camera. I have had some doubts about the breed of this chick. It does NOT have a single comb! To me it looks more like the comb a Sebright has, But its legs aren't blue and its earlobes I can't see any blue...maybe later? It doesn't seem to carry its tail high enough for a Sebright. Or still an OGEB?? What do you think????
,By the way, I changed a lot on this so you can see the comb better, so don't go by color, hue, saturation, exposure, contrast or brightness (or lack thereof) .
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For #3, the white one, it isn't just poor white. The feathers that are beginning to come in on its head are gold. You can just now see the ends of the new ones where the down is being replaced by feathers. It started out all white but is changing. I don't keep OEGB and don't plan to. I asked the feed store owner to order me around 25 mixed bantam chicks. He bought QUITE a few more...I ended up taking 40+. There were a few left over which were OEGB. My 26yo daughter came in for our family reunion in Aug. and she helped me pick. Of course we sat in the floor and the lady that works knows I always need a box. This time it was a very big one!! LOL!!! I handed my daughter chicks I was interested in and she sorted them into groups by color and type. I took all of the feather-footed ones they had and added some others as well!!!!
I wasn't quite sure for some of the breeds, so took most of the others, too. I found after I had the time to look at them better and then grew some, that I got most of the breed guesses right. I figured I could pick out the ones I wanted to keep and sell the others at the Farm Swap this weekend. So after Saturday I hope all will be gone except maybe 10 and maybe I will make enough money to pay for the food that I fed them and for the cost for the ones I keep.
In #4 and #5 the two chicks are close in pattern except #5 is more reddish brown/chocolate based whereas the #4 has more of a drab with silvery base. Yes they could be the same but I don't think so.
I just made some more pics of #2 and #3. I don't think you can tell much more for #2. But here they are:

#2 Note the white on the feathers and they have been increasing in #. It also has pink legs and feet.
If not a BB Red OEGB, then I would almost think that this bird was a bantam Speckled Sussex. You won't know for sure until he gets older, though.

#3 In the first pic below, you can see more of the gold or dark coming in on the new feathers.

This is the comb of #3
It it out of focus and I don't think I can get a better close-up pic with my camera. I have had some doubts about the breed of this chick. It does NOT have a single comb! To me it looks more like the comb a Sebright has, But its legs aren't blue and its earlobes I can't see any blue...maybe later? It doesn't seem to carry its tail high enough for a Sebright. Or still an OGEB?? What do you think????
,By the way, I changed a lot on this so you can see the comb better, so don't go by color, hue, saturation, exposure, contrast or brightness (or lack thereof) . You're right, this looks like a rose-comb, not a single-comb (which is what OEGBs have). Does this chick seem to be a bantam, too? Breeds with rose-combs include Wyandottes, Sebrights, Rosecomb Bantams, and Hamburgs. It really is too early to tell what this chick is, but I don't think its an OEGB.
For #3, the white one, it isn't just poor white. The feathers that are beginning to come in on its head are gold. You can just now see the ends of the new ones where the down is being replaced by feathers. It started out all white but is changing. I don't keep OEGB and don't plan to. I asked the feed store owner to order me around 25 mixed bantam chicks. He bought QUITE a few more...I ended up taking 40+. There were a few left over which were OEGB. My 26yo daughter came in for our family reunion in Aug. and she helped me pick. Of course we sat in the floor and the lady that works knows I always need a box. This time it was a very big one!! LOL!!! I handed my daughter chicks I was interested in and she sorted them into groups by color and type. I took all of the feather-footed ones they had and added some others as well!!!!
I wasn't quite sure for some of the breeds, so took most of the others, too. I found after I had the time to look at them better and then grew some, that I got most of the breed guesses right. I figured I could pick out the ones I wanted to keep and sell the others at the Farm Swap this weekend. So after Saturday I hope all will be gone except maybe 10 and maybe I will make enough money to pay for the food that I fed them and for the cost for the ones I keep.
In #4 and #5 the two chicks are close in pattern except #5 is more reddish brown/chocolate based whereas the #4 has more of a drab with silvery base. Yes they could be the same but I don't think so.
I just made some more pics of #2 and #3. I don't think you can tell much more for #2. But here they are:

#2 Note the white on the feathers and they have been increasing in #. It also has pink legs and feet.
I agree with Bantamlover21; this bird might not be an OEGB. Or, it could be a Spangled OEGB. Probably rooster.

#3 In the first pic below, you can see more of the gold or dark coming in on the new feathers.

This is the comb of #3
It it out of focus and I don't think I can get a better close-up pic with my camera. I have had some doubts about the breed of this chick. It does NOT have a single comb! To me it looks more like the comb a Sebright has, But its legs aren't blue and its earlobes I can't see any blue...maybe later? It doesn't seem to carry its tail high enough for a Sebright. Or still an OGEB?? What do you think????
This comb is a rose comb, not a single comb, which is what OEGB should have. I don't think that your bird is and OEGB. It might be a variety of Sebright, or a mix.
By the way, I changed a lot on this so you can see the comb better, so don't go by color, hue, saturation, exposure, contrast or brightness (or lack thereof) .
I actually have wondered if #2 was a speckled Sussex, but Ideal doesn't carry those and I think that is where these came from. I know the store owner has ordered from them before. They are all bantams and I would think all purebred .
I do think it is a rooster. Its comb is pretty red and bigger than I would expect a hen's to be. The white one I think is probably a hen.
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I just checked out Ideal bantams again. They have rosecomb Nankins. They have the lighter legs, rosecombs and the buff ones look similar to what I think this chick might become color wise. What do you think for the white one???

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