What color eggs do Orpingtons lay?


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Northern California
Do they lay white? I thought it was brown. Ugh. I've been getting a mysterious white egg in the nest box recently. I do have an ancient leghorn hen, but I don't think she'd lay twice in one month... she's 9. lol. Her comb is huge and glossy though.
Hm... then I suspect my old girl is back at it again! Bless her shriveled oviduct, she's still got some juice.

lol... rereading that sentence and I realize how odd that sounds.
BO's lay brown eggs.

The white one would belong to your leghorn. 9 years old! Wow. And yes, that shrivelled oviduct ting is really funny
Woot you go old gal. That has got to be the leghorn's egg. The orps are all brown for sure.

Where is a pic of these two old gals you have?

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