What Color Is My Cochin?


Feb 26, 2015
East Tennessee
This is my Cochin pullet, Coco. I trust her breeder that she’s purebred but I’ve been unable to find a single example of another Cochin with this coloring no matter where I’ve looked. What color would you call her?
Golden Cuckoo is the closest I can come to describing it. Seems colors are labeled differently between breeds, so it's highly likely this isn't what her variety is actually called.

Here's a picture I found off the internet of a Golden Cuckoo Marans, for reference:
View attachment 1603849
LOVELY girl! :love


Oh wow! This coloring looks just like my Cochin. Thank you so much for finding this photo.
She looks like a Golden Cuckoo Marans like the poster said earlier. I think just the cuckoo part is sometimes used to describe breeds with mixed colors.
She is very pretty. She reminds me of a tortoise shell cat.
(More information on golden cuckoo)
Yes, a less technical term for that coloration would be golden cuckoo. It means a cuckoo bird with gold leakage.

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