What color is my peacock?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 13, 2009
What color is my Kevin?
He's quite young still, last year's hatch.  As he matures, the green will become more blue.

Maybe it's just the lighting, but if I compare him to my 2012 boys, he's way greener than my 8 month old IB boy.

I'd love to see more pictures of him. :D
I have seen some very young 6 mo.old peafowl mating. producing nothing. . it is said, in general, that a two year old male with at least one eye in his train feathers is capable of fertilising the eggs.. My blackshoulder hen born very early in the season,as a yearling, being with a mature male laid 4 eggs and I was able to hatch 3 of them
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