What color is this Silkie?


Jan 17, 2022
I got some assorted bantams from TSC and grabbed a Silkie. It was diferent then all the others. My TSC gets birds from Hoovers. What color is it? @LadiesAndJane @Silkie Princess
Agree some kind of Partridge. They can look vastly different from chick down to when they are fully feathered in.😊
Ok! It was between a white or maybe light gray and this chick. I got this chick because there were no other like him. His face is so fluffy! I also got what I think is 3 MF, a Golden Laced Sebright, and a Red Pyle OEGB.
Really? Interesting.
It doesn't look quite right for partridge and its down looks buff columbian. It seems that Buff Silkies fairly frequently get dark wing and tail feathers like buff columbian too. Here are some Buff Silkie chicks from Cackle that are also dark like yours but time will tell!


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It doesn't look quite right for partridge and its down looks buff columbian. It seems that Buff Silkies fairly frequently get dark wing and tail feathers like buff columbian too. Here are some Buff Silkie chicks from Cackle that are also dark like yours but time will tell!
Those are still a lot lighter then mine. This is from the top. She is sleeping on me right now.

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