What could I use inside the coop?

@NotableNancy: they're wood chips I buy from TSC :D I've been buying them since I bought the little chicks and ducklings, but when Aflac passed away two months ago I changed to sand. The wood bedding would get mold and I don't know if that's what killed my duck. I need to measure my coop since a tenant from my apartment's built it for me. I have the ducks in a fenced area and I have 12 chickens in the coop (9 hens and 3 roos) I'm trying to save enough money to build a two story coop for my chickens. Yes, the coop has ventilation all around it. The half top is all open with chicken wire and another type of wire, and the bottom half is covered so no predators can go in.

@lazy gardener: It's bare dirt :/ so I need to install drainage tiles? Can I purchase them at Home Depot and install them myself? When I was using aspen wood I'd put 25lbs inside their coop so they can be comfortable. I noticed that from the sides of the coop it would get mold, and where the hens nesting box is as well. Their waterer is inside the coop because I don't let them free-range because I got two new puppies that I'm training to protect the coop.

@smlfarmer: oh, can I purchase it at Tractor Supply Co? My area only has TSC so that's where I buy my supplies. The coop stinks bad like if something is rotten in there. The sand starts off as sand, and then in 4-5 days they turn it into wet, muddy sand :/ I don't understand what goes on in there.

@donrae: I'll measure it tomorrow :) a tenant from my apartments built it for me so I'd have to measure it. I have 12 chickens in the coop. I think I'm going to google "deep litter" to see if that might fix my problem.
I don't think deep litter will help the problem. sounds like you have to put some kind of drainage or flooring in first then decide on what bedding you want to use. But I think you will have a mold problem with deep litter too unless you build some type of floor in your coop. You said money was an issue but I see wood pallets for free all the time maybe you can do something with them? We bought a prefab coop so I'm not going to be much help in that department.
I don't think deep litter will help the problem. sounds like you have to put some kind of drainage or flooring in first then decide on what bedding you want to use. But I think you will have a mold problem with deep litter too unless you build some type of floor in your coop. You said money was an issue but I see wood pallets for free all the time maybe you can do something with them? We bought a prefab coop so I'm not going to be much help in that department.

What are wood pallets, if you don't mind me asking. Also yes money is a big issue for me. I only get $160 a month for the feed and bedding.
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This is a wood pallet. If you look around you can find them for free. Check free stuff listings on Craigslist.

This is a wood pallet. If you look around you can find them for free. Check free stuff listings on Craigslist.
Oh, I see. I could see if I can get some for free because in my area nobody likes free items. Once I got some wine boxes I use now as the hens laying box, and they wouldn't let me out with them. Long story short, the manager gave me the boxes, and the worker wouldn't let me take them if I didn't take any wine bottles :/ I could check to see if they'd give me one or two
From what I hear it takes some time but you take them apart and then screw them in so it's a tight fit and seal it. then this will raise the floor up off the dirt and keep the bedding dry.
Maybe if you could post pics of your set-up people could help you better. As I said, this is not my forte but many people on here can help you solve your problem.
Your problem is water coming from somewhere.

Ducks need some deeper water and usually get it all over the place, I think most people keep their ducks water outside any coop for that reason.
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@NotableNancy: I'll see if I can find some that store people are willing to give me. I also need to borrow power tools haha I don't own any anymore due to them getting lost...somehow.

@aart: so the duck area needs more space in their coop? I have their coop inside a dog fenced area. I know that owning three ducks can be very messy especially with their pool

@aart: so the duck area needs more space in their coop? I have their coop inside a dog fenced area. I know that owning three ducks can be very messy especially with their pool
I'm saying that if your sand and / or bedding is getting soaked with 4-5 days you have a water problem.....where is that water coming from??
I'm saying that if your sand and / or bedding is getting soaked with 4-5 days you have a water problem.....where is that water coming from??

I don't know where it's coming from. There's no leaks in the coops and when it rains I cover their coops with plastic. The only water in their coop is the waterer

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