What did my hen and rooster do this morning?

My rooster is always in the girls' business. He's checking out nest boxes, inspects dust bathing holes stepping in the middle of disputes. The hens are like, whatever dude. Unfortunately, he's so submissive to his ladies that they pull out his neck feathers, so he had to go live in a separate pen with better behaved ladies. They don't mind he's in touch with his feminine side and gladly share the nest box with him.
hes still protecting, just in a different way
@oldhenlikesdogs @CluckerFamily

I checked the spot for a couple days after this post but didnt keep up with it...

look what I found today!

@aart I know what you're gunna say but
a. I'm drowning in eggs right now, and
b. if I collect all the eggs all the time, I'll never get surprise chicks. chicks are always great but usually not always practical so sometimes I dont make them myself. :p
I love this! And I did literally laugh out loud because I have been in this situation. Usually my jaw drops when I find a nest.
Glad you found it before you had extra chicks, even though little chicks following a momma always make me smile.
I'm missing a hen - though my housemate thinks I may have sold her... oh, I may have sold her... dang now I'm not sure now. anyway I thought I'd find a broody.

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