What did you do in the garden today?

I don’t think it’s the year for your area. I know it kills the young branches, so the fruit will probably be fine. I’ve never had my fruit make it to harvest unscathed though, so if I can get a net to keep everything out, I’ll be happy. The wind keeps me from safely spraying often enough, and rain wash pesticides off.
Not sure where you are located but i read an article today that the 17 yr swarm will be coming out this yr along the east coast including NC.
@Artichoke Lover, I love the hand carved rake handle, what a clever thing to do! And the boots you're wearing in the pic with the cabbage (?) are the same ones I got for DP for Christmas and a yellow pair for myself. I love those things. Great with or without socks too. @igorsMistress, nice pictures! Looks like your garden did just fine over the winter too. And I can just imagine those cuties pacing back and forth trying to get into the garden. :)

I've put the German pot roast in the oven for a long slow cook. New recipe for me and it's enough to feed an army but I intend to put at least half of it in the freezer if we like it. Dark German beer, a half cup of German mustard, carrots, onions, thyme, and then in the last hour, chopped red cabbage. We'll see, it all smells great right now. I cooked the first of the pork kidneys with mushrooms yesterday (another German recipe) and they were delicious.

Changed the shavings in the coop, cleaned the poop boards and set up the processing table for the rabbits. I need to clean water cups and cut some of the kale, we'll see how far I get today before it starts raining again.
@Artichoke Lover, I love the hand carved rake handle, what a clever thing to do! And the boots you're wearing in the pic with the cabbage (?) are the same ones I got for DP for Christmas and a yellow pair for myself. I love those things. Great with or without socks too. @igorsMistress, nice pictures! Looks like your garden did just fine over the winter too. And I can just imagine those cuties pacing back and forth trying to get into the garden. :)

I've put the German pot roast in the oven for a long slow cook. New recipe for me and it's enough to feed an army but I intend to put at least half of it in the freezer if we like it. Dark German beer, a half cup of German mustard, carrots, onions, thyme, and then in the last hour, chopped red cabbage. We'll see, it all smells great right now. I cooked the first of the pork kidneys with mushrooms yesterday (another German recipe) and they were delicious.

Changed the shavings in the coop, cleaned the poop boards and set up the processing table for the rabbits. I need to clean water cups and cut some of the kale, we'll see how far I get today before it starts raining again.
I love my boots my only complaint is I should have gotten the yellow since my rooster hated red with a passion. And those are the collard sadly the cabbage hasn’t done well this year.
Good morning gardeners. Gave the ducks their big pool so I can test run drainage before we anything semi permanent. Walked through the garden today. As you can see I have a healthy crop of weeds. I need to cut them back and feed to the bunnies and ducks. No veg garden pics but there are carrots galore in there. I didn’t want to attract the ducks over there and have to chase them out. Gotta get that fenced off! Have a great day everyone.
I see some spiky seed pods there. If the pile isn't cooking well, and those pods get mixed in they'll be spread all over when you spread the compost. I hot pile will kill the seeds. The other iron is too remove the pods and hope the seeds haven't spilled into your compost. Lastly, you could turn spread it and leave it for 2-4 weeks before planting anything. This way the weeds will sprout and you can till, hoe or pull the weeds.

They are gum tree seed pods. I usually pick them out when I spread the compost... At least that's what I did last year.

On a side note, gum tree seed pods contain the same active ingredient as Tamiflu. This summer I gathered a bunch of green seed pods, chopped them up, and have steeped them in some Bacardi rum. The alcohol helps pull the active ingredient out.... My own little home remedy for the flu.
They are gum tree seed pods. I usually pick them out when I spread the compost... At least that's what I did last year.

On a side note, gum tree seed pods contain the same active ingredient as Tamiflu. This summer I gathered a bunch of green seed pods, chopped them up, and have steeped them in some Bacardi rum. The alcohol helps pull the active ingredient out.... My own little home remedy for the flu.
Yeah, I recall swigging warm Blackberry Brandy for bronchitis in my teens...minus the seed pods 😆 Lol
All the tomatoes are up, one jalapeño but no Thai chili’s. I found my bins that I was using to farm mealworms today so I’m going to move the pots to one of those tomorrow and resow seeds for what didn’t sprout.

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