What did you do in the garden today?

The hard part might be getting them to stand up and stay up so I can fill around them.
I've never tried using a stick ring so not sure. I was picturing the wood layer at the base holding it in place at the bottom and a little baling twine at the top, but I haven't tried it to know how well it'd work. I used hardware cloth in my keyhole garden but your barrel idea got me thinking. I love keyhole gardens for how well they grow with low maintenance. Anyways, think I'm going to try switching my hardware cloth for sticks. This is the time of year I empty the center ring and we just finished trimming trees so have a lot of wood waiting to be dealt with.
I guess about not figuring out the pH issue with the blueberries a long time ago. We might get a cupful, but they're going on 5-6 years now, so that's pitiful. I'm just thankful they didn't say see ya later, we're out of here, and die
I've been trying to grow blueberries for years too. I've gotten maybe a small handful of berries is all. 🫤 I'll be googling blueberries and whey! No ideas to help but you're not alone...I can get them to survive here but fruit has been a struggle.

The filler pipes in this video creates a water reservoir and allows excess water to drain
Glad you shared that video! Water reservoirs are a must in my area for a lot of plants.

Well, it was 84 degrees at 6am this morning so I know it's going to be another hot day! I didn't get much of anything done this morning except watering and it's one of those days that I'd rather do housework 🤣😭
I swear this summer is hotter than last summer... I've got nothing but 95+ on the ten-day forecast and half of it is over 100. *sigh*

My store bought starts are trying their hardest! I don't know if they'll make it, but they are trying. My plans yesterday were waylaid by a family dinner, so I'm going to try tonight to harvest the garlic. It has all pretty much crisped up. I was going to harvest it sooner but then it rained a bit and I wanted it dry when I pulled it.

Same dang cockerel bit my other foot this morning but failed to break the skin. I need to weigh him and see if he's fat enough to eat yet.
Transplanted about 20 tomatoes into 3.5 gallon pots and worked on grading and drainage in Lazy Garden which is watered/fertilized by Lazy River from the chicken run.

My dear neighbor potted up a bunch more while I was on a work trip last week. We now have about 40-50 tomatoes in 4 kiddie pools in the greenhouse. Plenty more to transplant into beds or 3.5 gallon pots tomorrow and next week.
Any thoughts on this idea? I cut up some banana leaves, bitter melon leaves, grass and compacted them in a gallon coffee can. The coffee can has screw size holes on the bottom. I wonder if the material will decompose and leak nutrients into the potting mix with the air tight lid? I did not bury the coffee can, its just resting on the top. I poured fish poop water from my pond filter in the can to activate the process. I have 2 Molokai sweet potato slips in this 20 gallon wicking pot.

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I swear this summer is hotter than last summer... I've got nothing but 95+ on the ten-day forecast and half of it is over 100. *sigh*
Yup, its unusually hot on Oahu too, the leaves on a few of my young okra plants went limp under the heat, so I covered the top of the cage around them with a towel and took it off after they came back. I didn't want to spoil them, I just helped them out a bit.
I've been trying to grow blueberries for years too. I've gotten maybe a small handful of berries is all. 🫤 I'll be googling blueberries and whey! No ideas to help but you're not alone...I can get them to survive here but fruit has been a struggle.
In case you didn't know, blueberries like very acidic soil, pH 4.5-5.5 and most garden soils aren't that low unless you add something.
Morning all. LOOOONG work night. The hail missed us by 8 miles, but I have some grand photos and video of the storms rolling in and through us. We went a lovely shade of lime green and everything. The village was hit by 1.75 and 2 inch hail. It missed us this time around.
Day off today, so town for routine car work and back again.
Competition went well, but thumb is paying me back for it today. That's fine. Doc sees it tomorrow and I want him to see it UGLY.

Onions are finally waking up with the extra feedings.
Tomatoes in the hoop all needed staked and tied.
Potato plants in the hoop are almost 3 feet tall. They are HAPPY in there.
Rest of the garden is toodling along.
New rasping hoe is making weeding so much faster.

Have a great day all.
Hugs to @Sueby
We got hit by the storms last night and this morning. Had hail less than 1” diameter and some flash flooding. Power went out briefly at some point this morn but was back on when I woke up…Not sure how long it was out. Hopefully not too long cause I have eggs in the incubator…Will have to check on them later. Almost everyone out in West O got whacked by hail pretty bad and there’s lots of damage.

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