What did you do in the garden today?

Not much going on in my garden lately. Seems like when the nice days roll around, I'm at work. Days I'm off, it's drizzly, dreary outside.

I will be planting my bte garden in sections this year, instead of rows. My rows disappeared last year, it was just one big jungle! It actually looks like raised beds, but I'm not raising the ground level, just putting up wooden sides to define where I will be planting. That way, I can put my compost only on those areas instead of the whole garden area.

This is my new area. I have the beds in place with cardboard, compost and my mulch (leaves/pine straw). Since this pic was taken, I have put down cardboard and leaves (no compost) between the beds to keep the grass down for the walkways.

I still need to put my beds down in this portion of my garden. This where my garden was last year, so there is already compost down. I'll just rake back my mulch and lay the borders.

I plan on leaving about a 3 foot buffer zone between the beds and the cross ties. I hope this will help keep the grass from trying to take over like it wanted to last year. The edges of my garden where the worst. That bermuda grass kept creeping in all along the edges. Evil stuff!!

This is one of three blue Butterfly bushes that I picked up at Lowes on clearance. It looks kinda sad, but I'm hoping they come back beautiful next year.

I planted one of those last fall. Looks about like that. Mine was deep purple. Also hoping. It was on clearance as well.

Same here!!!
Ours bloomed even past several frosts before it finally went dormant. I have great hopes for it, it seems pretty healthy. My DIL "cleaned out the garden" this fall and removed all the perennials I had purchased for her, both full price and discount, and even those she and my son had bought...she didn't know the difference between annuals and perennials. Threw away a very healthy and quite beautiful dwarf butterfly bush of an unusual shade of purple...I was coveting that bush. If I had known she'd toss it in the garbage can and let them haul it away, I'd have taken it.
She also threw away all the herbs, her grapevine, the two honeysuckle plants I had just planted, bought at Lowe's on discount also, several other perennial flowers I had given~and planted~for her. The only things she left were the weeds!
Poor, poor generation X.
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Same here!!!
Ours bloomed even past several frosts before it finally went dormant. I have great hopes for it, it seems pretty healthy. My DIL "cleaned out the garden" this fall and removed all the perennials I had purchased for her, both full price and discount, and even those she and my son had bought...she didn't know the difference between annuals and perennials. Threw away a very healthy and quite beautiful dwarf butterfly bush of an unusual shade of purple...I was coveting that bush. If I had known she'd toss it in the garbage can and let them haul it away, I'd have taken it.
She also threw away all the herbs, her grapevine, the two honeysuckle plants I had just planted, bought at Lowe's on discount also, several other perennial flowers I had given~and planted~for her. The only things she left were the weeds!
Poor, poor generation X.
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.


It's a shame she didn't ask your advice about any of the plants first. Poor girl.
Quote: Oh Bee. I'm so very sorry! Horror!!!!! I do hope you had a "gentle" conversation with her about what she had done! Murderess!!! My MIL had a beautiful salmon colored geranium that was just putting out a few pathetic blooms at the end of the season. I spied it the day before we were due to get a killing frost, and offered to pot it up for her so she could enjoy it for the winter. "Nope. Don't want to take care of any plants." So, I brought it home. It's grown like crazy, but still no blossoms. In the spring, I'll start a new plant from it for her, and most likely get 4 more for myself, as well as being able to get a nice stocky plant from the base.
Planted Pepper Seeds yesterday. Tomato seeds this evening

Bell Pepper:
Chocolate (experimental)


Amish Paste
Cherokee Purple

If they come up and are strong at the end of Feb, maybe I'll get a large selection of veggies.

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