What did you do in the garden today?

Moved some thornless blackberry starts today . Warm spell is ending .
Still about 2' of snow on the ground. But, it's up to 58* today! I planted some lettuce, spinach, mache, radish in the green house. Need to open the GH door every morning, and close in evening, to keep temp down low enough during the day! Will need to cover beds to hold in heat at night.
I set out some broccoli and cabbage today. It is supposed to get down to 32 saturday night but up in the 60s and 70 s during the day and 40s and 50s at night for a while. But we will get another frost or two. Gotta get the greens in before the heat sets in. Good luck Lg...
Still about 2' of snow on the ground.  But, it's up to 58* today!  I planted some lettuce, spinach, mache, radish in the green house.  Need to open the GH door every morning, and close in evening, to keep temp down low enough during the day!  Will need to cover beds to hold in heat at night.
You may need a fan. And make sure the humidity isnt too low during the day.

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