What did you do in the garden today?

I haven‘t been in garden for a few days. This rain is killing me! Lots of weeds to pull and the biggest zucchini I have ever grown. Not complaining though, a product day.


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Lol its the inside of diapers that soaks up the pee I put it in all my soil its nontoxic and keeps the soil moist longer you just cut open a pack of diapers take out the inside and add it too your soil
Ohhhh, I just looked on the web and you can buy the jell by the bag, that would be really handy for planters in places that are hard to water very often. I might get some for my kitchen herb railing planters. How much is in a box of diapers? One way or another I will definitely be using it when I have to repot the herbs if nothing else. Thanks!
Ohhhh, I just looked on the web and you can buy the jell by the bag, that would be really handy for planters in places that are hard to water very often. I might get some for my kitchen herb railing planters. How much is in a box of diapers? One way or another I will definitely be using it when I have to repot the herbs if nothing else. Thanks!
Not a problem and I'm not sure I buy the biggest size and just cut them open I add a full pack to what would be 4bags of potting soil and it makes it like 10lbs more
Did outside all the grass that had grown around and through the honeysuckle and roses on the outside of the chicken yard took the Son"s new battery opearted weedeater in the chicken
yard went till the battery died but was impressed I am only 5 ft 125-130 lbs and it was fine
took it to the outer fence where a tree in there
Good morning gardeners. Another overnight shower, but a bit disappointing. I did a little weeding in the garden and the soil is not all that wet below the first 1/2 inch of soil. I may drag out the hose and give it a good drink. The lettuce is growing nicely so hopefully will be able to start picking leaves off in a week. Thank goodness. I was so craving a salad so I bought a head of romaine from my least favorite grocery store and for around $3 I have enough lettuce for maybe 2 large salads. I finished the roof on the baby coop run yesterday. It's supposed to be humid and scattered showers today. Not a great day for using power tools outside so I think I will work in the garden as much as possible. The peonies in the front yard are really tall this year so I think I may stake them. I added a lot of bone meal to that area and it looks like the roses and peonies are responding. I hope the hydrangea blooms this year. I put the bone meal in there to help that shrub, so fingers crossed. I still need to remove some of the baby peaches from the tree soon. I'm thinking 12 to 15 peaches for the first year is enough and won't strain the tree too much. This is a dwarf tree, but I think it needs to grow a bit more. Not much else going on. Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. Raining & that's great, I won't have to water! Some critter tore up my dill plants. :he I finally got smart & covered the pot with all the butterfly weed so at least that was spared. I'm destined to have no dill again this year. :mad: If it wasn't raining out I'd cut another piece of hardware cloth & cover it, but I guess I give up. Maybe I'll just move a bush squash to that pot.

Have a great day all.

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