What did you do in the garden today?

Well I'm back to the land of living....woke up wanting to kill someone literally cuz of the itching! DH had had enough of my tude so he went hunting for relief and found this! IT IS AMAZING!!! 1 TREATMENT AND IT STOPPED ITCHIN!!! Oh thank You Lord!!!

So I finally got out to be with the babies some and pick some spinach that's trying to bolt...kale, Oregano and basil and a neighbor sent over the most gorgeous head of butter crunch lettuce I have ever seen in my life! I was too excited to take a pic...already made it into a ceasar salad with my stuff from garden!!! Man delish!
Sure wish I could grow a head of it! Didn't one of yall say you buried the bottom of a head of lettuce and it began growin!? I saved it in case that's possible!
DH took me out for steak and then to watch the new Top Gun movie. As a kid, the original changed my whole trajectory. Made me want to be a fighter pilot so badly even though they swore I was wasting my time because "women will never fly in combat." Well, I didn't become a fighter pilot because I have a genetic inner ear disorder that disqualified me but I did end up in a STEM career where I've worked with military from the civilian side so I might have gotten the better part of the deal. 😂

Found out what critter has been raiding my onion beds. It's a squirrel! 🤬🤬 And the little fat (bleep) tore a hole through the netting of my hoop house to get inside. The war is officially on....

I sprayed BT on the broccoli today and insecticidal soap/neem oil mix on the tomatoes. Aphids are going crazy on the blue cream tomato plant. They are on the other tomatoes too but sparse... That blue cream is like ground zero....

And the best news of the day.... I have new poop boards installed in the coop! I'm so excited! It took us all day to get them in but now it's done and looks sooooooo much better! I can't wait to go peek in on every one after sundown and see them using the new roosts! And I blocked off the rafters so no more poop roulette on my head if I walk in the coop at night! Not to mention worming chickens just got 1000x easier
Watch the bottom of your plants by the roots. If you see sawdust holes around any of them, you’ll have to slice a line all the way up the stem until you find a maggot-like caterpillar. KILL IT if you find one.
Yeah, I've dealt with that before too. I still have some syringes left from those battles, so if the topical application is too late in some case I'll be injecting the BT into stems.
I have never heard of the possibility of getting used to it. I know it is caused by a genetics, normally found in those of northern decent. LIke how some people can smell cyanide, or those whole can smell asparagus in their pee after eating.

I got used to cilantro as well. but I am of southern decent as far as I know.
Its hot, I used 4 gallons of water to refill a 20 gallon wicking tub this morning and refilled it with another 4 gallons in the evening. I am glad I caught it in time, it was probably dried out the previous night. I have only 4 string bean plants in that pot and it just started to produce some string beans.. I think I only need to make sure I water it in the evening.
Crack of the morning everyone!
DH is home and parked outside as the main garage is full of tomato tables. I offered to slide them over so he could park inside in case of storms, which he said 'nah'. So of course I didn't sleep KNOWING that one would roll through. At 4am, as he snored, a great flash of light and a roll of thunder. I went out and closed the barn and coop windows in case the rain came, and tossed the hail shutters on their windows as long as I was out there. OC this assured we would get neither rain nor hail.
Good thing too as DH has one of those new keyless cars. I still don't know how to work it or where the fob is. Something about dragging his snoring, sleeping carcass near enough to the car and it will start? No idea. Man can sleep through anything.
Spent the next hour and a half doing lightning shots. I'll be working late into the night and all day tomorrow, so this extra early start is going to catch up to me later.

Final day of tomato sales. $1 a plant now. I've made enough to break even on materials, but nothing towards my time and efforts. I have to start seeds for me anyway, so I figured I'd sell the rest. I guess the big box stores won this year. Too bad too, my stuff is cheaper, larger, nicer, and far more varieties than there. I had 13 uncommon varieties this year.
Seems a shame to compost it all.
During this morning's photo shoot, I couldn't see them, but there was a large flock of turkeys around the house with poults. I envisioned them tearing apart the mums for sale in the driveway.
And I don't know what's blowing around out there, pine probably, but my eyes are on fire and my skin it itchy. Argh.
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Something has found the strawberries....

Not sure what is happening with my pickling cucumbers. They were beautiful green and growing well. In the last 2 days, they look like this.... Ideas?


Same with my tobasco peppers. This has all happened in the past few days. Not sure what to do for them.



BTW, the peppers and cukes are not near each other. Cukes are in a large tire bed about 20 ft from the peppers which are in the ground in my main garden.

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