What did you do in the garden today?

I just realized that I didn't post what I did today! I sprayed some of my plants (mostly my strawberries and radish) with a cayenne pepper spray. :mad: Those squirrels keep eating my strawberries that I was excited to pick- it's about time for revenge 🤣.

I also checked on my newly planted bean plants (I just made a bean tipi yesterday). Unfortunately two of them lost a leaf, probably because of heavy rain yesterday, but they should be fine.
Can you transplant strawberry plants? I might offer them to a friend if it's possible.
I have done it. Extra plants from a friend. So I think the friend bit has a lot to do with it. :)
Nice. First harvest, always rewarding. After all, that's why many of us garden- for tasty home-grown goodness!
I try to have at least one home grown thing in most meals. Even if it's just some snipped green onions, or the cilantro on a taco.
Today we put in 4 posts and the gate on the fence project. It's going better/faster now; we have a routine and know what to do. I'll be doing some digging this week while DH is at work. But maybe not tomorrow if we get a thunderstorm. Tuesday and Wednesday could be over 90, so any work I do outside on those days will be at a slow pace.

I'm really hoping for rain tomorrow. It's so much easier when Mother Nature does it.
Today officially sucks.... It's so miserable outside. I put a gallon of water with electrolytes in the freezer but it was taking too long to freeze. I took it out to the chickens as cold water with ice chips. Not sure if they drank any of it. I also made a big mud puddle to give them a cooler place to dust bathe... Ducks loved it. Chickens could care less... I haven't been down to the garden but the loofah I have growing in a pot is looking extremely droopy.... Waiting for the sun to go down a little more before I go water it. I will get up at dawn tomorrow to water the garden itself. Probably have to do that several times this week....

This is the current temperature. At 6 pm. Seriously, the heat index is brutal.

So this what we did today my tiller went to work me using it coop is 20 x 8 said done tilled the remainer that had not been dug out .. Made is easier of both our backs having the little Joe as it is called. Birds loved the worms.
Photo 8 I tilled we did not go to do more ..


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Some of the beans are long enough to start climbing!

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Parsnip: we planted 3 types to try. So they are at the end of the onion bed. Last time we tried them someone left the chicken run gate unlatched so the small sprouts were quickly chomped by the girls.
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Turnips at the end of the bean bed. These are small white turnips - good raw or cooked. They need a little thinning!
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Oooh, double rainbow!

Watered some of the garden, the part that needed it. It's too stinking hot to do much else. Managed to finally!!!! get flea drops on the other cat that's been hanging around. There are two unneutered males that I'm trying to get friendly enough to take care of that potential issue of fleas/MORE kittens roaming loose. Fluff Daddy as I call one, and Little Dude. I got flea drops on Fluff Daddy last month and he's been loving on us since, and tonight I finally got them on Little Dude. Yay!

There are more cats that those two, but the others are 100% feral and only come by at night or take off like a shot when they see me in the evening.

Chickens are doing well, status quo there. None of my plant starts have died yet but they are wilting during the day and coming back by morning because it was 110 yesterday and at least 106 today.

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