What did you do in the garden today?

I have clover in between my raised beds usually. Not so much this year, but what I like about the clover is not only the pollinators, the bunnies prefer it over garden greens.
Yes! I overseeded (much to DHs dismay) the lawn with clover a few years ago. :gig I see the bunnies at dusk & dawn munching on the clover, never munching in the garden. Seems they just have their babies there, lol. Course I bet she won't do that again after losing them all to the hawk.

Morning all. We got almost an inch of rain yesterday so that was great. Had I known we were getting that much I wouldn't have fed the garden, but oh well.

Your onions look great @karenerwin! Mine still have some time to go, but they're bulbing up quick. Garlic will come out in the next week or 2 & the volunteer sungolds will go in those beds. Can't wait to make cherry tomato corn salsa...for anyone interested this recipe is really tasty: https://www.ballmasonjars.com/corn-and-cherry-tomato-salsa.html
Good morning gardeners. Another busy day ahead. Time to wash the dog. Yay! The garden is looking good. Only picked a small radish today. Tomorrow I’ll be picking lettuce and chard. Disappointed by my tomatillo experiment. I found that it was a really big toad attacking the tomatillo plants. Then it was cucumber beetles munching on the sole survivor. I was so happy to see flower buds developing on the plant this morning. The sad part is you need at least two plants to pollinate each other. Wah! On the upside, my Meyer Lemon tree has two lemons developing and the orange tree has about 5 oranges.

They vine up?! That's brilliant..I didn't know butternut could do that.
Butternut are the best! I love making risotto and fritters with them and thankfully my veggie resistant husband thinks it's tasty too
Yes, I do tend to add a nylon tie (cut up old stockings or trouser socks) at the junction where a squash is developing -mostly so when a storm comes through, it doesn’t get blown off the trellis.
Good morning all...I had a question while looking at my garden this morning...Does anyone use clover or any other ground cover in their garden. We use straw at the moment but we have bees and I have wondered if clover would work just as well... hope all is well in your garden this morning. The heat wave finally broke and the temp is 65 this morning! So happy.
we do clove in the winter and till it under and it has been great
View attachment 3166206

Stayed up late watching the Umbrella Academy with DD and DH. Remembered I hadn't put the chicks back in the coop. They haven't figured out how to inside yet. Anyway, after I moved them inside, I scanned the pasture with my flashlight like always. Saw eyes staring back. Thought it was a stray cat.... Got closer and... Nope, it's a frigging coon! 🤬 I made DH come outside and set up a live trap between the barn and shop. Also left the dogs outside to act as a deterrent since their fenced yard runs alongside the chicken and duck yards.

Time to go coon hunting before disaster strikes! View attachment 3166208
No coon in the live trap this morning.... :he
Haha yes that is exactly what I'm concerned about. It's constant pros and cons...on one hand the bees have abundance of early food and water is held in the ground longer... on the other hand the cover could choke out my other plants and grow out of the garden(though that I may not mind too much).... the biggest pro might be that it would out grow the grass and my hound wouldn't have itchy allergy feet from the Bermuda grass
I had no idea that Bermuda grass was an issue.
Sorry, puppy! :hugs

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