What did you do in the garden today?

went outside yesterday afternoon and we had a bee swarm in the yard around the biggest Arabian lilac, I would estimate at least 200 bees. I could hear the hum from about 20 feet away. Fortunately they moved on, we have a high risk of Africanization here. Other than that I picked the ripe tomatoes and added them to some salsa I’m fermenting.
Bok choi, lettuce and marigold seeds are sprouting...

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Tomatoes and peppers are doing well too. Hopefully the garden soil is warm enough by mid-May to plant them in the garden.

I watered the garden beds that have been planted plus the asparagus yesterday. The temperature is supposed to be in the low 70’s today but cloudy. I’m hoping to plant the leeks, bok choi and sugar beets today in the hugelkultur style bed. Also will be planting the lettuce starts I bought between the rows of sugar snap beans. My Fritillaries are up and blooming. Will do a garden walk to check on the blueberries, pear tree and grapevines after chicken tending. View attachment 3814664View attachment 3814665
Wow those are beautiful! I've never seen them before.
I trenched in asparagus and made a raised bed for new strawberries. I finally put Dahlia bulbs in the ground from winter-over.
Potted some mesclun, started some peppers, herbs and perennial flowers in the greenhouse.
Still need to plant spring garlic but it’s been so rainy, so I may pot them in a tub.
Rain has been in our forecast but it rained 5 miles south & 5 miles north, missed us. Wow the pollen is heavy, too! My white truck looks yellow with a fuzzy yellow windshield. I had to do the sinus wash with that yucky 🤮 Flonase this morning, tastes nasty but it works. If ya can get past the 30 minutes of hacking & spitting that stuff as it post nasal drips & you taste it (not a good taste) Then at least you can breathe all day.

We were swamped with rain & flooding last month, then frost warnings, now it's gonna hit the 80s & we gotta water everything. Mother Nature is having a good laugh at the silly humans.
Oh yeah, I can relate. My grey pickup is more yellow than grey and the windshield looks foggy because of the pollen film on it. 😂

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