What did you do with your flock today?

Isn't this the truth! I tripped over my brothers big dog, did a face plant and completely tore a ligament on the inside of my foot. Now cannot curl my big toe , but luckily no pain and not a huge hindrance. I am not an athelete.
I'm sorry I'm laughing but I tripped over my furry nephew on the beach, did a faceplant in the sand and put my neck out! When DH stopped laughing enough to help, he informed me I'd gone down like an unsteady toddler just learning to walk 🤣

I've had many animal-related accidents over the years. The most embarrassing one was explaining to the emergency room (and my employer!) how I tore my hamstring tripping over Stonehenge whilst chasing chickens.

Hope you get over your injury quickly ❤
I think Ferdy must have had an exhausting day yesterday...

He was like that from 15mins after we settled down until I took him to bed at 10pm.
So, realized at 10:30 tonight that I had forgotten to close the coop and check for eggs. It had been sunny when I had let them out this afternoon, but mostly rainy today. Just drizzle, so I took my lazy self out there, and to my surprise, watched Pikake lay a soft shell egg. Her roost mate Cinnamon was eyeing that treat on the ground. I quickly moved so it was dark again. No doubt they will have that for breakfast tomorrow. They are all on layer feed, just sometimes they eat other things when they are outside. I do have o.s. available. She is one difficult chicken to catch, so think I'll let her work that out by not letting them out for a couple rainy days.
@kurby22 so sorry to hear about Opal. @LTAY1946 Any loss is still a loss, hugs to you both. :hugs :hit:hugs:hugs:hugs
This really depends on how far into bfe you are. Dog is just being a dog, but city folk dump their dogs in the country so that country folk can "take care of it"... Wild dogs are not the same thing as "neighbor dog" wild dog is a lot more like a coyote than a dog. Sadly.

Out here the humane society won't take them, and even if I could get the animal control dude out here (I can't) the dog would be dead in a day at the shelter, because it's more wild than pet.

I know this is not the situation in cities. When your nearest neighbor has a few acres between you and them, the situation is different.
Sounds like those become feral dogs. So sad how irresponsible pet owners dump their unwanted pets out in rural areas, thinking that they'll get adopted by some kind person. Yes, some do, but many also suffer starvation or predation, or get hit by vehicles. Makes me :mad:
I'm sorry I'm laughing but I tripped over my furry nephew on the beach, did a faceplant in the sand and put my neck out! When DH stopped laughing enough to help, he informed me I'd gone down like an unsteady toddler just learning to walk 🤣

I've had many animal-related accidents over the years. The most embarrassing one was explaining to the emergency room (and my employer!) how I tore my hamstring tripping over Stonehenge whilst chasing chickens.

Hope you get over your injury quickly ❤
There is really nothing to heal. The physical therapist said that no amount of physical therapy will reattach it to the muscle. I'll just live with this weird toe, and have slightly less balance on the left. Now if I was a serious athlete, she said surgery may be an option. Nope, don't think I'll get there. :old I also have had many knock downs by my dog, and kids as well. We have a rope swing near our driveway, and as I was coming back from the mailbox, one of my boys had just taken off in my direction from around the curve, so we didn't see each other. Knocked me backwards. I found later that I had a fracture on my elbow, which had already calcified by the time I went to the doctor.
Sorry I have missed a few days...been super hot here and busy with kid stuff and burned out. Needed a few days off...spent almost all day yesterday in the big chicken run in the cloudy cool weather reading a book and it was glorious. Chickens did their thing and it was simple and quiet. Definitely what the doctor ordered!

On a much less happy note...I don't know what to think...I was out with my bantam run chickens today and discovered a missing chicken. Just vanished...like Sia. No feathers, no sign of disturbance, no commotion...I have other chickens that escape their run all the time and have never disappeared but two seemingly protected birds in the run next door that never escape...vanish? It's all very weird and upsetting and I'm not sure what to do! I set a camera back up in their run that I had been using to look for the fox in other parts of the yard. Are foxes so very careful and sneaky they can get in the run, remove the chicken, get back out of the run, and out of the yard without leaving any feathers and causing any other chickens to alert? I'm just so upset...Opal was the sweetest girl and we had just started bonding enough that she would come visit me while I was in the run. :( So sad :(
Oh no!! Not Opal ☹️ so sorry. Hope you figure out the mystery and resolve your possible issue. I guess hoping beyond hope she shows up 🙏

Some reason I am missing posts again. BYC challenged.
You have spoiled chooks with all those yummy homegrown goodies! My area's weather doesn't let me grow melons, so kale, grapes, plums, and apples it is.
They come flying at the door when I approach, especially if I greet them with a high pitched greeting: "Hello chicks!"

I also give them uprooted weeds and vegetable stalks from the garden. Grapes, tomatoes, and cantaloupes are their favorites.

Martha is the only one who still pecks my skirt (at the end of the video):

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