What did you do with your flock today?

Aloha gang! Wow, lots of activity. Welcome one and all.
Yesterday I merged my solo buff with the 6 lights in a mutual brooder for outside grass time, cleaned up brooder box and put them all to bed together.View attachment 2894208
View attachment 2894213
Forest and Mango eventually got bored and found other things to do.View attachment 2894215meanwhile, work on the arbor continues on...

Chicken count today is 38 which means chicken math is alive and well because I thought I only had 28... lol?View attachment 2894224
flock has been grounded to the run till after egg o'clock lately. I have a few pullets that are close to POL and a few old hands that have bad mountain habits. View attachment 2894228Forest thinks the chickens are his responsibility and I often find him lounging in the middle of the run. He seems to like being a farm kitty a lot. He and Mango play a lot and he gets along with everybody.
Kittens are still pretty beat up but we are working on it every day. They are eating on their own and playing a lot. Today is bath and disinfect day again. Baby steps ♡♡♡View attachment 2894231Have an awesome day all! 🌴😎🤙
:O Mango and Forest are getting so big!! How old are they now? It feels like just a week ago you brought them home.
I love your birds. ❤️ The arbor is looking good so far!
Hey all never even got online yesterday. Lost one peep but had one more hatch. So 10 is the final count. Tried to take photos we will see may be too dark but not awful ..View attachment 2894239
I’m sorry you lost one, but congrats on the others! They’re adorable.
Haha, I love that you didn't know you have more chickens than you thought :D That is the true definition of chicken math! It is such a real thing, I just had no idea.

I think it's so cute that Forest is taking to being a chicken sitter :) It's super cute! Those little kittens are sooo tiny and cute. So lucky to have you in their corner!

I have a head cold and it's cold and wet outside, so the chickies might be on their own most of today :( I had to lock Betty out of the coop, so I'm hoping that breaks her need to brood. So far she has been acting like a normal chicken since I locked her out. Gonna open it later today and see if she goes back again or not. Off to nap now! Happy Wednesday! :)
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon.
View attachment 2894814View attachment 2894815 My cat LOVES to chill on the horses' backs!!!View attachment 2894821 this is obviously him WAY younger! He was a rescue found under a bush so I had to bottle feed him and such. He was raised around(and ON!) the horses lolView attachment 2894823
View attachment 2894816Chillin in a feed pan...
View attachment 2894819 My sister and I barrel race so here are our girls in their running gear ready to go! Also Ebony and I waiting at the gate...View attachment 2894830View attachment 2894824 Waiting tied at the trailer for our runs...View attachment 2894825View attachment 2894826 Heres Blue rolling after getting brushed...View attachment 2894827 Ebony meeting Dexter....View attachment 2894829 And finally... one VERYYYYY muddy pony lolllll
That kitten is the cutest thing ever. :love I love the horse pics!
View attachment 2894814View attachment 2894815 My cat LOVES to chill on the horses' backs!!!View attachment 2894821 this is obviously him WAY younger! He was a rescue found under a bush so I had to bottle feed him and such. He was raised around(and ON!) the horses lolView attachment 2894823
View attachment 2894816Chillin in a feed pan...
View attachment 2894819 My sister and I barrel race so here are our girls in their running gear ready to go! Also Ebony and I waiting at the gate...View attachment 2894830View attachment 2894824 Waiting tied at the trailer for our runs...View attachment 2894825View attachment 2894826 Heres Blue rolling after getting brushed...View attachment 2894827 Ebony meeting Dexter....View attachment 2894829 And finally... one VERYYYYY muddy pony lolllll
Love all the horse pictures!! And that kitty is just the cutest!! All grown up it looks like a little bobcat! 😍
I didn’t spend any time with the birds yesterday. I wasn’t feeling good so I was in bed all day. When I went out today everyone was super excited, and Iris tried to feed me a slug. XD
Everyone “flocked” (hehe) towards me as soon as I sat with them. Even Puff Puff and Renie were chilling just out of arms reach, and those two really don’t like to be near me.
Beigie acted like she didn’t recognize me until I grabbed her. Apparently I’m not very memorable to her. I can’t image what she’d do next time I’m gone for more than just a day. :lau

I think Santa lost all of her feathers overnight. Tomorrow I need to remember to rake the run before I let them out, because every time I see it I think someone was murdered in there. They’re pretty small birds, so how they have so many feathers is beyond me.
Oh bummer you weren’t feeling good yesterday either! I can tell the fall and cold weather colds are settling in. :-/ Oh well, I haven’t had a real cold since last February so I guess I won’t complain!

Isn’t it so funny how some chickens act like they have no clue who you are and therefore you're there to kill them? Even though they’ve known me since they were a week old and all I ever do is feed them and pet them! 😆😆 While others are like, OMG where have you been I missed you!! 😍

Hope you’re feeling better today!
Aloha gang! Wow, lots of activity. Welcome one and all.
Yesterday I merged my solo buff with the 6 lights in a mutual brooder for outside grass time, cleaned up brooder box and put them all to bed together.View attachment 2894208
View attachment 2894213
Forest and Mango eventually got bored and found other things to do.View attachment 2894215meanwhile, work on the arbor continues on...

Chicken count today is 38 which means chicken math is alive and well because I thought I only had 28... lol?View attachment 2894224
flock has been grounded to the run till after egg o'clock lately. I have a few pullets that are close to POL and a few old hands that have bad mountain habits. View attachment 2894228Forest thinks the chickens are his responsibility and I often find him lounging in the middle of the run. He seems to like being a farm kitty a lot. He and Mango play a lot and he gets along with everybody.
Kittens are still pretty beat up but we are working on it every day. They are eating on their own and playing a lot. Today is bath and disinfect day again. Baby steps ♡♡♡View attachment 2894231Have an awesome day all! 🌴😎🤙
I love this kitty most of all
That is a cute kitty!

Today TheMan and I went out after dark and put leg bands on the 12-week old EEs. Mostly because two or three of them are going to look a lot like the 3-yo EEs very soon, lol, and we don't want the wrong ones to end up in the freezer! (I would totally know which are the old ones but he's afraid we'd get them mixed up!) 😆
Oh bummer you weren’t feeling good yesterday either! I can tell the fall and cold weather colds are settling in. :-/ Oh well, I haven’t had a real cold since last February so I guess I won’t complain!

Isn’t it so funny how some chickens act like they have no clue who you are and therefore you're there to kill them? Even though they’ve known me since they were a week old and all I ever do is feed them and pet them! 😆😆 While others are like, OMG where have you been I missed you!! 😍

Hope you’re feeling better today!
Thanks! I think I just ate something weird, I feel totally fine today.

Ikr, some of them are definitely smarter than others. XD This was the same bird that chased my dad around the yard every time she saw him for weeks because he gave her secret snacks a few times. She remembers the snack man, but not her own dad. :rolleyes::lau
Thanks! I think I just ate something weird, I feel totally fine today.

Ikr, some of them are definitely smarter than others. XD This was the same bird that chased my dad around the yard every time she saw him for weeks because he gave her secret snacks a few times. She remembers the snack man, but not her own dad. :rolleyes::lau
Secret Snacks dad is definitely worth remembering 😂
Boy oh boy! This new blood has sure spruced things up on this thread. Yippee!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the horse photo fix. Just what I needed ♡♡♡. Beautiful creatures and fun photos! Loved them all but gotta confess I think your orphan kitty is the real show stopper. He should be proud of his cute self.

Thanks for heading the call and brightening my day. Makes me wanna go play with my mule. ♡♡♡ soon.

Gosh, sorry we got so many folks down with ailments. Bummer. Be careful all, tis the season to catch the crud. Yeah, with all of this social distancing and mask wearing I have not been sick since November 2019. Think I'll keep avoiding people 😉😉😉

March 27th is the day we were adopted by Mango and Mochi.
SOOOO glad they found us. They have been terrific.

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