What did you do with your flock today?

Caught up with you all. Thought I had another broody, but this girl was just grumpy. I took the eggs out from under her, and then she left the box. The other broody will be let out of jail on Friday. Only got 4 eggs today, so seems most of them hit their skip day all together. Got mostly caught up with the garden. Went to my first Occupational Therapy today, assessment and exercises to do. She thinks I'll be good to go in 6 weeks. Will be working for that. Some of these are difficult at this juncture , since there are 8 muscles in a thumb, and my progressive condition had caused issues over the years. Now to strengthen and gain flexibility back. :fl This stray has been hanging around, and meows at me. I think he's been eating our cat's food, so we put the bowl inside. How do you catch a cat? @TropicalBabies We'd like to take him to the Humane Society or PAWS, he is intact and seems young.
I'm amazed you do staggered hatches in the Rcom. I don't have that courage but not a bad idea at all ♡♡♡
I still don't have my cabinet incubator hooked up. Course, still have not started shop clean, other than me organizing my bags 🤣🤣 but no need as I am not hatching eggs for a long while, right...? (except Hope 🙄)

My favorite feedstore is still not bringing chicks in because they buy from Ideal. Not that it matters to me 🤣🤣🤣 But that gives us a domestic chick shortage that I am not going to care about right now.
I almost always do staggered hatches. They'll go into the other incubator for hatching...I have little cardboard boxes I add for hatching so it doesn't make a big mess in the incubator.

Domestic chick shortage...cabinet incubator...tons of fertile eggs...man, you have will power! 🤣
Been a busy few days! Yesterday we spent all evening cleaning out coops and spraying the coops and the chickens with Elector PSP because my daughter found bugs in Oliver. I also had to finish shoring up the big coop from the rats. Sighhh. They have completely eaten away the horse stall mat I used originally :-( So I screwed metal plates along the base, laid the cloth, covered the cloth with pavers and covered the pavers with new shavings. Then tonight, we cleaned out my scraps coop and its run, sprayed it down with Elector PSP, refilled feeders and waters….and them we moved out the teenage babies! So nice to get them outside ❤️
Move out day for babies is always sweet ❤️
Caught up with you all. Thought I had another broody, but this girl was just grumpy. I took the eggs out from under her, and then she left the box. The other broody will be let out of jail on Friday. Only got 4 eggs today, so seems most of them hit their skip day all together. Got mostly caught up with the garden. Went to my first Occupational Therapy today, assessment and exercises to do. She thinks I'll be good to go in 6 weeks. Will be working for that. Some of these are difficult at this juncture , since there are 8 muscles in a thumb, and my progressive condition had caused issues over the years. Now to strengthen and gain flexibility back. :fl This stray has been hanging around, and meows at me. I think he's been eating our cat's food, so we put the bowl inside. How do you catch a cat? @TropicalBabies We'd like to take him to the Humane Society or PAWS, he is intact and seems young. View attachment 3525197
Cute kitty ❤️ Hope your able to catch him and get him and get him help.
How's your thumb feeling? Glad the therapy is starting and hope it helps fast.
Trying to read and type but our little street dog puppy says play please. Think we're going to name him Goose. He's very goofy and has a thing about water. Loves to jump into the pond and lay on the little island, and can't pass by water without taking a drink...even if he drank 2 seconds ago. He's very water obsessed!
While taking a little break this evening and sitting in a chair by the coop that the White Giants & Dark Cornish are bunking in now they all came running in from a day of free ranging. The WG gals surrounded me and one little girl got right up next to me and looked up thinking I must have treats. I asked her if she was going to be a lap girl. She said for treats I'll be your lap dance girl. What have I got myself into?
Day Five tomorrow of owning our first ever chickens. All girls. We are having fun with them. We do need to get a catch tray for all the food they throw on the ground. We did notice, however, that they are eating a lot of the crumble that is on the ground, but we still need to capture all the food they throw around.

We installed a swing in the run area, and my beautiful wife made a "balance beam" out of a log, and also a makeshift ladder out of various pieces of firewood. The girls are loving that, but they haven't been up on the swing yet.

We received our "coop cameras" from UPS today, so I'll be installing those probably tomorrow. We also received some solar, motion-activated security lights to put up around the coop and run. Something knocked over the poop collection bucket (it's outside the run) last night, but there were no indications anywhere that whatever it was had any interest in the chickens.
I picked up two Black Copper Marans cockerels today that @Dharmachick gave me. I have them locked away in a quarantine enclosure for now, just in case. I guess it's best practice when adding new birds to a flock.

I feel a little sorry for them being in a tight space compared to the freedom they had before. They'll adjust. One of these days they'll meet the girls and be able to run around in the yard and catch some bugs and eat weeds.

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Today I got my husband to help me with adding some more room for the 2 girls to get around in. They are in a rabbit hutch and I put a metal playpen around it on end. I added the 2nd to keep them from getting bored. We sealed the top with wire and zip ties. I cleaned the coop and waterers and food dish. I also picked up some mulberries and gave them some of those too.
I picked up two Black Copper Marans cockerels today that @Dharmachick gave me. I have them locked away in a quarantine enclosure for now, just in case. I guess it's best practice when adding new birds to a flock.

I feel a little sorry for them being in a tight space compared to the freedom they had before. They'll adjust. One of these days they'll meet the girls and be able to run around in the yard and catch some bugs and eat weeds.

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Handsome boys. Glad you got some flock watchers. Game changer 👍👍👍

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