What do I do if I want to keep a stray chicken? It's super nice!


11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Dallas, Texas
So, today, we got a lot of snow in central Texas. It's the most snow I've ever seen in my entire life! (Which isn't really even that much!)
I had a half of a day at school because the half inch of snow could make a lot of roads dangerous so I got home around 2. My mom got home a little after that and when she got out of her car, one of my neighbors yelled to her that one of my birds was in his yard. So, my mom told my brother to get me so I could get her. It was weird because my brother said, "Jonathan! Your black chicken is down the road." I looked outside and my black chicken was in the fenced in run. So, I went outside to investigate.
Sure enough, there was a black chicken outside, down the road. I walked over and my dog started to shove it around and smell all over it. He didn't get pecked and in fact, the chicken didn't really care that Roofus was rubbing his nose all over him. I called for the chicken to come out from behind two pieces of bamboo, and it did! I 'd never seen a chicken so willing to come to me before except my very first rooster! I picked it up and it cuddled with my arm to stay warm. It was soaked from the snow/rain and I was excited because I simply love holding nice chickens. I showed my mom and my mom was like, "Um. I don't think that's a chicken." Because its face looked like a buzzard's or some kind of bird of prey's head. I'm still not exactly sure what kind of breed it is or if it's a boy or not. For more info on that, head on over to: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=3682995



I really want to keep this bird because he/she is so nice and kind but he/she has a lot of boo-boos. I say boo-boos because nothing really looks recent. It looks like a lot of scrapes and some places where he/she's missing some feathers but nothing looks too bad. What steps do I need to take to ensure a good transition from it being isolated to being with my flock of 4 chickens? I have one rooster and this would be the second biggest chicken I would have. I want to make sure it's not carrying any diseases.
Keep her after you determine she is healthy, but what I want to know is what IS she? Such a huge head for such a little body. I have had many kinds of chickens and I just don't know. Maybe she is just anorexic.
It is some kind of oriental game cross...Shamo, malay, asil, etc...Looks like a cross tho and not full blooded but may be...One way that I know its oriental is by the size and the smarts..They are unbelievably intelligent for fowl. I would isolate it for a few weeks and then slowly, I mean slowly introduce him/her..I would keep it if I were you ^^
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Haha! I plan on keeping her! I'm posting signs up and stuff, though, because what if someone happened to loose their best friend like I lost my rooster...

I was thinking that she was an Asil or Shamo but she might be a mix. She has a few gold spots but you can't see them because she molted recently.

EDIT: What if I let her roam my yard? I've got high, 8 ft. fences so she won't jump over and my flock is fenced in. I was wanting her to be able to find nice greens and I could observe how she walked around to see if she has any broken bones. One of her toes looks odd so I definitely want to look into that. If she wanted to go talk to the other chickens, she could walk to them if but she wouldn't be forced to be around them. What do you think?
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For quarantine, she's needs to be kept as far away as possibe from your current birds. I would definitely keep her though.
I wouldnt do it yet due t the pecking order. If she is a girl then the other ladies would be in for a surprise...They can/will get agressive and shes got size on her. It is very kind of you to put up signs and stuff and you never know, she might just be yours in the end. They are so smart some times its scary. Ive got a asil cross roo and he just amazes me. Maybe keep her put up for awhile and give her some greens and such untill you have found the owner or have decided exactly what your gonna do. I think its a great discovery and he/she has the potential to be your next lap chicken. Oh one thing, My asil cross, if I let him, will follow Me around the yard like a dog.

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