What do I have here?


12 Years
Apr 11, 2012
Nova Scotia
This rooster is HUGE, he makes my JG hen look like a bantam. I was told he is a silver penciled columbian rock. Hes was a show bird when he was younger, but retired to a friend of mines property. He is now 2 years old, docile and awesome with the girls. Im planning on using him to cross over my cornish and sussex hens next year for meat birds. Im amazed at his size! Hes about 10lbs.

(the black spots on his comb are from fighting with another roo and digging in a thorn hedge)

WOW! He reminds me of a Silver/gray Dorking, with the short pink legs. I'm not thinking Rock, since his legs aren't yellow. My vote is that he is a Dorking.
Hes got 4 toes, pink legs and a loooong crow lol. Hes very very sweet to the girls, even though he dwarfs them. I thought he would tear them up on meeting them for the first time, but he just chills around the coop and finds little things to give them.

As far as I know, there is only one person here in NS that has dorkings, and they are way way south. Since Im no expert on breeds, I dont know what to think about him other than he is a beauty.

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