What do I have


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 4, 2011
I got 16 chicks weeks ago and split them with my neighbor they were born on march 1st and I am not sure but am really thinking I got a bunch of roosters. Here are some pictures. What you experts seeing?

I see 2 roosters, the chick n in the corner in pic 2, and the chick on the right in the last pic. Are these mixed breeds? Your black chick with a gold neck looks like a black sexlink, but the other look like crossbreeds, one of your roos has a rose or walnut comb.
They are all straight runs so a mix of could be anything. I was thinking maybe two rossters also by the combs but by the tail feathers I only see maybe three hens. There is 8 in this cage right know so I need to try to get some better pics tomorrow.
You cant really go by the tails at this age. At 3-4 months, the roosters will start growing in thier pointed feathers in their hackle(neck) and saddle(back). If you can try and take a picture with a side view and a comb shot. Roosters also usually feather in slower than hens.

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