What do these sound mean? 2 month old flock


Jun 13, 2018
Hello all!
I'm a first time chicken owner, and I'm trying to wean them off of having a light on at night. I had a small nightlight on for them, but I don't think they could see by it at all. They starting making a sort of whining sound, and wouldn't calm down until I sat on the ground and held them in my lap with a towel over them, like a mother hens wing.

Then my Barred Rock started making a trilling sound. They've done this now and then before, but not this loud. Can anyone translate these sounds for me? I'm assuming the whining sound is either a 'I'm scared' sound or a 'Where are you?' sound to locate the rest of the flock

The sound at the beginning is simply fear of being nightblinf,escpecially when it’s their first timtime,they will adapt.
The trill sound is usually a sound when they hear or see something odd or off.
The sound at the beginning is simply fear of being nightblinf,escpecially when it’s their first timtime,they will adapt.
The trill sound is usually a sound when they hear or see something odd or off.

Ah ok thank you so much for your help! :)

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