What do you collect?

I collect Trail of Painted Ponies, Willow Tree, scrapbooking stuff, yarn, fabric, craft anything stuff, books, animals, dust, junk,and whatever else I find. I really love my ponies and angels. I also collect change. Sometimes I lose it, or my kids find it and put it in their piggy banks, or I end up counting it out to buy eggs!! I am at least teaching my kids to save money instead of spending it all. They each have their little piggy banks and they are filling them up. I could deal without all the junk and dust though.
I collect Sears Merry Mushroom China from the 70's and pretty much anything else mushroom related that I and my Uncle can find!! I'm forever getting picked on about it cause it's older than I am and no one elase seems to think it's pretty---but I do, it's FABULOUS!!!!!
My hobby is having hobbies. I coin collect (slow going), I like to get involved in things I have never done before - then it becomes a hobby! Chickens in my newest hobby. Used to raise them when I was younger and now back into it!!!
chickens, dogs, children. No good friends. Good friends ( to be fair) . Books plates cups glasses, fireking, cast iron cooking stuff, door knobs, reamers, coffee cups, juice glasses, Wexford , carnival glass, toys, Butcher knives, Odd kitchen utensils, rolling pins, figurines, pottery, dolls, Any kind of old letters papers and such. Old magazines. Just got a crystal doorknob and a Shawnee chick planter from a clean out house. Old tools and farm implements. Thimbles , shot glasses, and much much more-
Things I just started collecting- Food stamps - Unpaid bills
Things I would like to collect- Umemployment, Disability, Or even a paycheck if I could find something I could do. Trying to get set up to sell a lot of my junk. Just hard to get organized .
I forgot that I have a nice big collection of john deere stuff, cookie jars, coins, canning jars, cookie cutters and some stamps and house plants, I have over 100 of them...............

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