What do you do if you are alone and you fall?

Yeah, you need a "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up" button hanging around your neck. We have one on our 82 year old mother when she refuses to live with one of us.
I know several people in our small community that have some sort of alert system. It would be a good thing but you have to use it. One lady fell and didn't want to bother anyone so didn't use it. Also another just had a fire and didn't use hers either. Get it and use it.
Are those systems ones that do not have the intercom? My grandma had one that, when she accidentally bumped it, someone from the service would check on her via intercom (like someone else said above). SHe would always cuss and tell them, no it was accidental.

It freaked her out at first that someone could hear her all the time (if they wanted) but there really was no other option than going to a nursing home.
Thanks so much for all the encouragement.

Kelly G, I am a little older (65) but I could be your mother in law. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I don't like to call anyone either.

I think I will encourage John to get a Jitterbug, which is the kind of cell phone I have, and I really love it.

I am thinking about the medic alert, too.

I never expected to fall in my little room, I was afraid of falling outside.

I have found that Yaktracs really help if it is icy out.

Catherine please get one.
As an EMT-B I will really recommend that you get one. Better that you be able to get immediate help rather then lay there waiting for help.

Rebel you are a sure sweet person making the cop crawl through the window.

I had to get a medic alert for my mother before she passed because she kept falling ( she was 90) If she hit the button, the team on the other end of the line called her to make sure that she was alright. If they called her and she answered, she would tell them what was wrong. If she had fallen, the would call my cell, then my wife's cell, the the house, then the neighbor, then emergency personel if we didn't answer. There was a key hidden outside of her house that the life alert personel knew about and would tell the emergency personel the location if needed.

If the team called her and she didn't respond, they scrambled fire, police and emts!

Don't worry about not being heard by the team on the other end, the units are very sensitive and they could hear Mom from one end of her 14x70 mobile home to the other, even through closed doors!

Get one for yourself, Mom's was I think $24.00 per month and the thought of her being helped if we weren't able to get there to help her far exceeded the cost!

Good luck.
I'm glad you're thinking about it. No one ever thinks or knows when they're going to fall...if they did, they'd say to themselve's "I better get my phone so I can call for help when I fall."

I wish I lived close to you...I would come help any time you needed it
and I'm really persistant and I'd talk you into a medic alert
! I send you a big hug and strength do deal with the RA - I know the toll it can take.

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