What do you do when on vacation?????

When husband had knee replacement we were gone for 3 days. We were 2 plus hours away and I didn't want to make that drive twice a day so we hired someone. We don't have the luxury of having a neighbor close by that could take care of them. We paid him $25 a day and he came up here 2xs a day. Sending me a text each time upon arrival then when he left. They were only let out in their run we didn't want to risk free ranging even though they are very good about returning to the coop at bedtime. Sounds like a lot of money probably but the peace of mind it gave us was worth every penny.
I guess I have it pretty good. I trade chores with my folks. I take care of their animals, they take care of mine. Honestly, if I were going to stress so much over my animals that I couldn't go anywhere, I'd get rid of the animals. I love to go away for a few days or a week. I figure as long as the chickens are fed and watered, and eggs picked once a day, they're fine. They free range when I'm home, and are kept in the coop/run when I'm gone.
I feel the same way. The animals are supposed to enhance my living experience, not hinder it. I intentionally develop an environment for my animals that will facilitate an ease of care and frees up my time and my life~thus gaining a better enjoyment of the whole animal experience.
I'm pretty lucky as well, my sister has chickens so we take care of each others when one of us goes out of town. If I didn't have her though I would ask a close neighbor or friend to come over so I could show them where everything is and how much of what and so they can get familiar with the birds, because some people freak out.
I trade off with my sister. The sister had no experience with chickens so I got a 25 pound feeder and 5 gallon waterer. Then I told her to keep both full and get the eggs.She aced chicken keeping 101.In exchange I have to go over and let her dog out a few times a month. NOT a fun trade cause he's 70lbs of spoiled baby, tries to drag me around and watered my new tennis shoes. OH the things we do for our chickens.
We spent our first week away from the hens about a month ago and had the neighbor watch them. It was a disaster. I think her little boy chased them because the BO was so FREAKED when we got home that she ran from me. She NEVER did that before. She always ran towards me into my open arms.

She also OVER TREATED. I will put out a piece of apple in the morning. And toss what they haven't eaten that evening. I came home to apples, bananas, melon rinds, and more ALL OVER their run. And one hen LOVES banana. There were whole bananas (pealed) in the run that had not been eaten. So I know they were over treated.

Then they refused to eat their feed when I got home.

And I felt guilty asking her to scoop the poop so that got out of control while we were gone.

Needless to say, I've interviewed and hired professional pet sitters for future vacations. And managed to find a couple that has chickens themselves. I haven't actually used them yet but I'm hopeful that we have a better experience next time.
I went on a 4 day trip in early august
We went camping and it was alot of work but I managed to take care of all my critters well enough that they were fine for 4 days without anyone here in the heat of summer for winter the only way it could be done is if you have water heaters.

The day before we left I worked all day on animals.
The duck pens were each given 2 kiddie pools and a large pan full of feed and corn was dumped in a pile for back-up, The 5 geese had 1 pool (I run out) and 2 five gallon buckets of water feed was same as ducks.
The Turkeys had a 3 gal waterer hanging and 2 cut off 5 gal buckets (they hold about 2 gal ea) full of water feed is in a hanging feeder that holds 20 lbs it has a large top to reflect rain.
Dog had a full feed bowl and 2 cut 5 gal buckets for water.
Cats made a hole in the feed bag so I figured they would be fine
The pig was given a ton of feed and we borrowed a short rubbermaid horse water trough to fill for her water (she climbs in when hot
Goats waterers were topped off and hay feeders filled.
The chickens were all locked in their houses with full feeders and waterers and then I filled cut off buckets with water and had 10 of them split up in the 5 runs (overboard but hey they still had water when I came home) and fans were put in the houses.
The bunny was given a pad of hay a full feeder and 2 large bowls of water.

All was well when we came home I did have to feed the eggs to the pig (she loved me more then) I even had more chickens! 5 cochin chicks hatched while I was gone. I couldn't have done it if not for the cut buckets they are a cheap lifesaver

I would never leave for more then over night in winter time since I can't afford all the heaters I would need for everyone and ducks in winter are a nightmare

I also do not ask anyone to check my animals I have had people mess up or not show and would rather just leave the critters on their own they do fine being confined for a few days and the pig or dogs don't mind eating the eggs

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