What do you do when you have to go out of town for a few days?

I just did this over the weekend. I added a feeder and a waterer. I cleaned out the waterer really well. I probably did over kill for 3 days without us, but then I didn't have to worry about food and water. Our coop is inside the run so I didn't have to worry about locking in or opening up in the morning. They just let themselves in and out.
If it is just a weekend, they stay locked up with lots of food and water. If it is longer, my neighbor takes care of them. I reciporcate and take care of hers.
I have 3 places for water and a 14 gallon feeder. I fill everything up to the top so Mum doesn't have to do anything besides open and close the door. If I need to go off with Mom, I have a cousin or neighbor do it. They do not get to go outside their run only because if they should get caught, then the person chickensitting won't feel bad. And we all are very aware of preditors!
Good luck!
I put in several large feeders and waterers in each pen, this usually works. Even if they knock the water over in the first couple days, they'll be fine.
We never go out.



I agree. I have a sitter (either my mil or a friend) come and close them in at night and let them out in the morning.
My coop and run is very secure but i would feel horrible if something did get to them and they had to suffer for an entire weekend. I like having someone check on them daily.

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