What do you like LEAST about raising ducks?

I would have to say the holes in my lawn and flower beds. I have to water all the time in the summer. My ducks do beg for treats,they are addicted to dog food. My fault,I was bored last summer.LOL
Oh and they will eat your tomato and pepper plants given a chance. Ask me why i know
For me it is the poopiness. But, I really enjoy being with them so when I go out and rake or turn the dirt or wash off the pea gravel, it is really no chore.

The other thing is that they would never make good house pets. When we have a baby or a sick or injured one in the house, I really enjoy it.
I hate Flys. and you always have more where the Ducks are.. Our pen is about 30 x 60 with 11 Pekins plenty of room and they come to the coop to sleep and I'm hoping to lay when they start.. We only keep a small amount of water for the to take a bath in and fill it twice a day after we feed ( they have drinking water all day in another container) We also have a rainbird on the post that we can turn on so they can enjoy a fake rain storm.. plus it waters the pasture for the goats..
I can't wait until spring when we start hatching and selling eggs.. If they lay like I was told we will have plenty..

The poopiness. I love ducks, but if we didn't have a pond, I wouldn't have them. They are a joy to watch in that environment. We are making a shelter for them outside the barn for nights and nasty weather.

We increased our flock this spring. Right now they are using a horse stall and it stinks! Can't wait to get them OUT of the barn altogether.
The only thing I hate about ducks is that mine insists on jumping on the deck and pooing all over it. We are putting up rails around it in the Spring.
Duck eggs are wonderful!

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