What do you spend on average every month on feed?

Monthly Prices

*Not including shots, vet, farrier, wormer, medicine, extra stuff*

Chick Grower =$40
Layer Crumbles =$36
Meow Mix for spoiled kitties =$26
Regular Cat food =$10-20
Goat food =$13
Horse Grain =$18
Hay =$50-120

Total = $136-216

This is with free ranging, full pasture for the 10 goats, and pasture for the horses.

Gah. . I spend a lot more than that on waterers, lumber for coop building, fencing, halters, all the junk that you need for spoiled animals.

This is the bare minimum. And this is why I wish more people would buy eggs.
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Considering I am currently feeding my and my dad's animals, my feed bill is a bit excessive. I spend about $40 a week on just the birds, and that's not counting the gamebird feed. So probably at least $200 a month, counting all the birds, dogs, and guinea pigs.
Mine are quite expensive too - my coop has run over $500 so far.

I can't seem to get a break (no freecycle stuff - no gimme stuff - nothing)

I have had to buy it all.

I figure now - I'm too far in to quit - so - I'm going all the way!

I just hope that once the coop is finished - I'll start saving/making money on these noisey chicks
Just put them to bed for the night so they've quieted down now.
Hi MandyH, love your avatar. What's that bumper sticker? My kid and all my money go to OleMiss? It's a beautiful campus and a nice little town. He's on his last year there and I'll miss the opportunity to visit.

Yes it's a very little town. We live about 50 miles away from there. Ole Miss is playing on ESPN right now and I might add they are not doing a very good job.
k here goes...

layer food... 14.00
cat food........30.00
dog food.......40.00
greens...........20.00 (lizards)
frozen rodents...20.00 (for my snakes)
I really don't keep track of what I feed the dog. I feed her raw, so I buy her meat in with mine and well...
I think it's about $30/month MAX and approx $15/month MIN, but I have no idea what the true-to-life average is since we catch sales, or stock up for a while, or whatever. I know I haven't bought anything but a $1.50 package of hearts/gizzards this whole month since we had the freezer well-stocked. Freezer's nearly empty now though so next month should be a doozy.

I know a bag of feed lasts my chickens about 2 months, plus I get them some BOSS and suet blocks. I dunno probably costs less than $15/month all treats included.

My cat food had been costing about $12/month, but they discontinued my brand so I am not sure what the new cost will be yet.

My new coop costs so far have been:
$12 for two water buckets for new nipple waterers
$18 for water nipples & shipping
$10ish for nails/screws
$7ish for brackets for the 2x4's and gromet nails for the tin roof
$12ish for Quickcrete
$2 for blue plastic barrel for rain collecting
= $61 so far

Still need to buy a roll of hardware cloth and an 8ft piece of gutter to collect the rain and some hardware for the barrel (spigot, garden hose, etc) plus I'll have to fill it up with shavings/pellets when the time comes. I have gotten most of the materials by bartering with junk collecting or scrap yard owning friends
$13.00 for 50# bag of layer feed last over a month for 9 RIR 23 weeks old.

$8.00 25# scratch had it over month and still going strong.

They get fresh vegies from the garden. Grit from the run... and no Oyster shells yet, since they are not laying.

So about $20.00 bucks a month for 9 chickens...

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