What do you think of my breed choices?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Aug 7, 2007
I'm thinking of the following breeds for my next flock:

Dominiques - because they are supposed to be excellent foragers, hearty, will go broody and raise chicks and they are a heritage breed

Australorp - great layers, gentle, will go broody and raise chicks,

We live in the midwest and have harsh winters sometimes. I have mostly sex link hens and find they are not what they are cracked up to be. Mine do not lay an egg a day nor do they forage very well nor will they ever be able to rear their own chicks. I want a more self-sustaining flock.

Is there a breed that is a better forager than the Dominiques?

What do you think of my choices? I'm worried about spending more on feeding and getting even less eggs.
I have 3 australorps that were given to me at 4 to 5 years of age. They continue to be consistent layers (3 - 6 eggs/week). Rosanne Rosannadanna talks all the time. Sweetums is my attach chicken; she is the smallest and is ill-tempered. Silent Bobbi is kind of neutral. She had a prolapse last week and was totally calm while I stuck my finger up her butt and put her in a warm bath in my kitchen sink.

i do not have any experience with dominiques.
By word of mouth, I hear that Andalusians and Lakenvelders forage well, but that Andalusians are a bit flighty, and they both need warmth.

My Buff orp loves to graze on the grass, chase flies and dig for worms.... can't let her in the garden or she tears it to pieces. My older EE hen is also a very good forager.

My black sex link is an almost an egg a day layer and I think is a good forager, but she hasn't gone broody.

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