What do you think?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Custer, SD
Here is the Run/Temp coop (waiting on a free 10x20 foot shed) Still need to do a lot more work but it will work for now. Around the bottom of the outside fence I will be putting in a stone wall. Need to tighten up the fencing a bit. Bought this coop for 200 bucks not realizing what a cheap piece of junk it was. I used all scrap from my old siding on my house and some post that some one was giving a way on the side of the road. Mesh netting for the roof of the run to keep the hawks and eagles out. A friend gave me all the wire for the fencing. I think it turned out OK. Built the gate out of old siding and old wire fencing I found. Let me know what you think. Any improvements you can think of i would be grateful for.

The POS Coop

Homemade Gate

A little bit of the Run

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