What do you use on the floor of your coop?


10 Years
Nov 16, 2009
Midland, TX
Hay? Pine shavings???

Our chicks are just over a week old but I want to be prepared for when they move into their coop in a few weeks.
I use pine shavings...or whatever shavings are on sale that aren't ceder. I don't care for straw because it's not easy to spot clean messes. With shavings I can just remove a small clump. With straw, I have to remove a big section to get it all...messy. JMO. Don't know about hay...
Currently I use hay/straw. There was a horse farmer that needed to get rid of some first cut and the price was right. Once I use this up I will switch back to pine shavings. They are much easier to spot clean and stir up. The hay/straw becomes very heavy and woven together when it gets matted down and mixed with poo and/or mud.
Pine Shavings, but I think I am switching to Pine Pellets like they use for horses. I heard it is not as dusty & absorbs very well, too.

I just learned that on BYC today!

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