What does a dilute gray gosling look like?


8 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Nashville, TN
Any pictures or examples?
I was hoping for some splashes or dilutes from my Embden/Toulouse cross babies but the first one to hatch looks exactly like an Embden lol.
I tried to look up a picture for you, but the only dilute splash goslings I can find pictures of are Sebbies. I guess with crosses it's probably like a litter of mixed puppies, and you just gotta wait til they're older to see what ya get! Lol

Edited: I found a thread here with a good picture! Halloween, the Embden/Toulouse cross!

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I tried to look up a picture for you, but the only dilute splash goslings I can find pictures of are Sebbies. I guess with crosses it's probably like a litter of mixed puppies, and you just gotta wait til they're older to see what ya get! Lol :D  

Edited: I found a thread here with a good picture! Halloween, the Embden/Toulouse cross!


Thanks Even! That is a GORGEOUS goose, I hope that's how Lemon turns out. I finally let him with the older goslings and he snuggled right in with them.

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