What does a turkey egg taste like?


Joyfully Addicted
10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
Recently my bourbon red turkeys starting laying eggs. I know that you can eat them and I really want to but I have huge issues with duck eggs. Are turkey eggs anything like duck eggs as far as taste and texture? If they are that much different than chicken eggs then I am just going to get me a tom and let them hatch babies. Heck I might do that anyway but I was just curious as to how many of you all eat turkey eggs and what you think of them.
They are not as rich as duck eggs but, they do have a slightly different texture than chicken eggs. Their yolk is also a lighter shade of yellow than a free range chicken egg and they do not scrabble up as good as a chicken egg.
Personally, I like them. Not as good as my Rhode Island eggs but better than duck eggs. I don't care for duck eggs either.
Interesting. I wonder what it would be like if I mixed them with chicken eggs. I guess I should just not be so chicken (no pun intended) about it and just go cook it up. Duck eggs make me want to hurl so I guess that is why I am so leary of trying something new.

Thanks for the insight
Love love a turkey egg, especially for frying, the whites are even tastey. Yolks can be very yellow depending on their free range. Those whites make the best angel food cakes. Yummy lucky you, I grew up on them.
I'm just curious - what is it about a duck eggs that you don't like? Our ducks recently started laying and I really enjoy them. We are introducing them slowly to our regular chicken egg customers so opinions would be welcome.

Not to hijack the post - pm me if you'd like
It has been my experience that duck eggs are greasy and rubbery. I have tried them several times in several ways and they are just gross to me. I probably feel this way because most of my life if I ate an egg it was a chicken egg. My brain has an expectation of what an egg is supposed to be and duck eggs don't fit the expectation. It is similar to when you go to a restaurant and you order soda you expect soda and you take a big drink and it turns out to be unsweetened iced tea. Kind of a shock at first. Nothing wrong with unsweetened iced tea but that is not what your brain had expectations for you to taste.
Sharon can't eat duck eggs by themselves, we never figured out if they are to rich our what, they make her queezy. If they are mixed with other eggs she is fine, or used in baking. I like turkey eggs they taste like alot like a chicken egg.


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