What does frost bite look like on a single comb?


12 Years
Mar 20, 2007
I don't know what to look for exactly. AT FIRST, would it be white? black? swollen only? purple? Would it turn black later?

I'm sorry, but I did a search and didn't see anything.

It is in the negatives F here. My orps are out of the wind, and are staying dry. I applied udder balm 2 days ago in preparation for the arctic cold snap. The tips appear white on a few of the girls.

I'm not sure what I should be looking for.

Thanks for your help. Please post pictures if you have any to help illustrate!
I'm quite sure the first sign is a swollen red appearance. After that you'll notice the white/purple/or black setting in. I hope your petroleum jelly does the trick. It didn't stop my one hen from getting it last year. The comb points stayed white until late summer. I find radiant heaters to be so effective - and safer than fan heaters. Good luck! It's brutally cold here in NH too!!
Typically a comb/wattle/toe is not frostbitten until the area turns white/black and sometimes purple. Typically, a comb or wattle may turn purple due to extreme cold weather, but often this is due to a lack of blood flow to the outer extremities. Usually a purple comb or wattle is NOT frostbitten, but should the area continue to lack blood flow, eventually it will turn black or white and will later fall off.

Henlady is correct though, as swelling is an early sign of frost bite. Swelling indicates damage to the affected area and is the body's response to this. Swelling is usually caused by increased blood flow, and when an area is damaged or injured, the body will increase blood flow to that area in order to speed or initiate the healing process.

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