What does it mean if a chicken with sour crop flicks their neck around?

Have already given all the info and suggestions I know to make on the OP's other thread. Hopefully others may have better ones.
Apologies, I should have used the same thread but I am getting quite worried and wanted to make one specifically asking about the stuff I can still feel in her crop. I followed your advice, but I don't think she is going to make it, I think the food I can still feel is unable to pass. Not sure if it's due to a blockage or just the crop not working as it should :(
Everyone's given you great advice. Just wanted to add here.

Please never make a chicken with sour crop throw up. It can actually cause aspiration pneumonia which is even worse then the initial sour crop. When you force the contents of the crop up, it can very easily go into the lungs.
Yes thank you everyone for the great advice. I've just got some anti fungals from the vet (Fluconazole 50mg, 7 pills, one every day for a week). I've been only giving her kefir yoghurt and water with Apple Cider vinegar and/or garlic. She does not want to eat any scrambled egg currently.

For the yoghurt and the medicated water I literally have to syringe it directly down her throat with a 1ml syringe as she won't have it otherwise. I have stopped trying to get her to sick things up but I will massage her crop and she will occasionally do a very smelly burp, reducing the crop in size only temporarily. Is this ok? Her crop is still big and balloon-like otherwise.

She is very weak and has lost a lot of weight, but I feel like she has had a slight improvement today but I can't say for sure. I did use the Daktarin oral gel for a couple days although I don't think there was much improvement.

Has anyone here got any experience with Fluconazole? I think if this doesn't solve it I will euthanise... I hate seeing her like this but I just have hope I can still save her. She is sitting down pretty much the entire day. I've read all the links, should I be doing anything else?

Will the yoghurt provide enough nutrients for her for now? Is there anything I could add to it that would fit in a tiny 1ml syringe? I'm getting around 15-20ml inside her daily, which really isn't a lot... Should I try to do more?
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Also her poo at the moment is very runny and yellowish and there isn't much of it. Is this normal for sour crop?
She just died as I was trying to syringe feed her...I really think it was too stressful for her I hated it too but I really really wanted to save her :( I wish I got her put down so she didn't have to suffer :(
I've had the same issue. I took my girl to the vet, they did a crop lavage, she did have impacted crop which then eventually damaged her reproductive organs and unable to lay. She takes GI tract liquid meds 3x a day with pain meds. If untreated or cleared, the crop will become pendulum and harder to "digest" her foods. My girl just turned 3 and trying to make sure whatever time she has she is happy and comfortable. I would most certainly avoid draining her crop yourself. She could choke or suffocate and I wouldn't want that to happen to her or to cause any sadness for you. I use a pre/probiotic every morning in her water, and also Metamucil mixed into her eggs. It'll help with digesting and moving food as well.

Hope that helps :)

I posted this when my girl started getting sick.
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