What does single factor (SF) mean?


Apr 15, 2020
I saw an older post where someone said they bred a single factor (SF) Tibetan to something else to get some color, I’m just wondering what single factor means.
Ok thanks, I know what single factor inheritance is in general, I’ve just never heard someone refer to Tibetan or any color of quail as single factor, so I thought it might be a colloquialism used to refer to a type of Tibetan. I feel like in other species of pet birds like canaries and various parrots, red factor, white factor etc is thrown around a lot by people emulating experts and might not be accurate in all cases.
I am trying to get deeper into genetics more and more.

I had Biology/Chemestry as main subject in the german Abitur (kinda advanced highschool) and I am updating my knowlege more and more, as this was state of the late 80ies.
Genetics made a huge jump the last decades.

I just read today an article, which stated that for example the Pie Bald (Tuxedo/Panda) factor is located in 4 different genes. So definately not SF

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