What ducks should I get?

. No I am wanting them because I've heard they are very calm ducks as a pet and I find them very pretty
You've made a great choice than. Welsh harlequins are beautiful ducks!

If you want ducks for meat, I suggest Peken or Muscovy, if you want eggs, Runners, Buff Orpingtons (ducks), Khaki Cambells, Mallards, and Rouens are all great choices. For personality though, I suggest Rouens. They are the sweetest ducks I've raised.

If you want ducks for meat, I suggest Peken or Muscovy, if you want eggs, Runners, Buff Orpingtons (ducks), Khaki Cambells, Mallards, and Rouens are all great choices. For personality though, I suggest Rouens. They are the sweetest ducks I've raised.
. No I am wanting them because I've heard they are very calm ducks as a pet and I find them very pretty

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